Welcome to the Wiki! Familiarize yourself with the Roblox Wiki Editing Policy and scan over this page to see news, announcements and things to accomplish. It's also a good idea to skim through the archives of this page, you can find a lot of important information about our version of wiki code, some CSS tricks and other JavaScript installations we've made. Make sure you know Wikicode and find a page to improve or write! ---Mr Doom Bringer 23:03, 19 June 2010 (UTC)
Hey, I logged in successfully. Mattchewy 21:27, 18 June 2010 (UTC)
Hi. (BlueTaslem) I have successfully logged on from this account.
Use the signature to sign your posts. (--~~~~) --Blocco|Userpage-Talkpage 21:14, 18 June 2010 (UTC)
I've managed to successfully log in, MrDoom. And I hope this comment makes it somewhere on the page that you'll find it (I'm not too familiar with wiki markup).
The wiki markup becomes a lot easier to understand once you start examining current pages, and experimenting. Also, as Blocco said, you might want to use the signature for your posts. (--~~~~) --Mattchewy 04:54, 20 June 2010 (UTC)
Well isn't this nice. Hopefully I won't mess up in posting this, and it never be found. I used a signature and such. (--~~~~)
--Samacado|Userpage-Talkpage 01:26, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
Hello. My account is working fine. Sncplay42 21:22, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
Hey MrDoom. I'm in with my old account. -LPGhatguy 22:33, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
Welcome, everyone! If your not used to a wiki format, you will soon. It takes some time though. Good Luck! --Mattchewy (talk) 22:41, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
Hey everyone. Account seems to be working fine. Wyo 23:25, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
Forgot to ask, which page format are we following now? RBX.lua.* or Object:* for example? Wyo 23:43, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
I think Object:OBJECT is used as a template for the box with members and RBX.Lua.OBJECT (Object) is the actual article. --Sncplay42 23:44, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
I have forgotten how the wiki works, its been a long time... anyway I have managed to log in. --billiland
MrDoom... you brought in a LOT of new people. --Camoy 13:34, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
Hey guys! My account seems to be working, I couldn't be more glad to be here! Though I do need to get familiar with the wiki, heh. =P --Oysi93
Hey MrDoomBringer. Account works great! Ozzypig 04:42, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Thanks, man! It works! Emess 04:45, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Hello, I logged in successfully. I'm very glad and I have to say I'm also a bit surprised. December 22, 8:44 PM (California time) (This is Myrkos apparently. --Brandonhare 08:00, 23 December 2010 (UTC))
Brandonhare here. Can I use British English? (Colour/Color) --Brandonhare 08:00, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Hey, it's Megamatrixdude. Logged in and about to get settled. Very glad to be a writer! :D --Megamatrixdude (8:44AM 23 December 2010 (GMT))
Hopefully this is in the right place, I've already made two changes in this page (one in the wrong place, the other undoing it). This WILL work. --Pighead10 09:26, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Can we create new pages, such as scripting tutorials, by ourselves, or our we restricted to edits unless we have an editor review our page? I'm being overcautious, I think, but I don't want to do something I shouldn't be, ---pighead10 10:53, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
ok, i logged in. thanks for making me a writer, i'm excited to help out! (Brainiac680)
I have arrived. Thanks for wikiwritershipnessism. TaslemGuy 14:13, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
luke43 here, logged in and such... never been a writer before so excuse me if i mess up!! --Luke43 (15:01, 23 December 2010 (UTC))
Ok, I got on perfectly fine Pauljkl 16:02, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Got on perfectly fine, anything in particular I can start on? --Coolguy55333
I logged in successfully. Thanks for letting me become a wiki writer :) I'm just wondering, what qualified me to become one? (3dGen 20:04, 23 December 2010 (UTC))
It's working for me. Now I have to find out how to do this.. --L2000
Disregard the message I sent you on Roblox. My password was an older one. --MrNicNac
Could I add a tutorial to the site? I can bring it up to wiki standard, and get some pictures soon. TaslemGuy 18:29, 24 December 2010 (UTC)
Finally posted. I thought I did before? Guess it didn't show up. Anyways, hi, I'm new, logged on a few days ago. Thanks for choosing me as a writer! --Nominate 23:54, 26 December 2010 (UTC)
Hi, logged in. It's working, and I'm looking at articles that need cleaning up or creating. So glad to be a writer! --Tj3 02:33, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
New object documentation system
Ok, my work on the new system is done. Here are complete instructions:
Create sub-pages at /methods</syntaxhighlight>, /properties</syntaxhighlight>, and /events</syntaxhighlight>
For each member that originates from that object, add this line:
For example:
If the method name is ambiguous, add a qualifying url:
Finally, fill in the /superclass</syntaxhighlight> subpage, with the className of the object's superclass
Thats it. To grab the members of a documented object within another page, use {{Members|Part|events}}</syntaxhighlight> etc, the superclass, {{Superclass|Part}}</syntaxhighlight> (equivalent to {{Ancestor|1|Part}}</syntaxhighlight>), and the object listing, {{Object|Part}}</syntaxhighlight>. {{Ancestor|2|Part}}</syntaxhighlight> will grab the super-super class, up to 5 levels of nesting. More can be added if required.
These two pages should be merged: Service:DataModel and Singleton:DataModel. However, I think that we should just use the object prefix for everything, and merge them into Object:DataModel. Plus, that'd make my documentation system work for Services.
I don't know where to put generic wiki bugs/discussions/whatever. I'll just write stuff here until Doomy logs in and yells at me. --Brandonhare 10:05, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
The "Missing Page" link looks almost exactly the same as the "Already viewed" page.
The "Missing Page" links actually are actually different. -pighead10 15:33, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Almost exactly. They're red and slightly purply red. My point still stands. --Brandonhare 15:38, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Wait, what? If you're talking about project pages, just make a page starting with Roblox Wiki:_______ Not sure if that was what you meant, but yeah. Emesstalk 16:23, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Sorry, I should have been more clear.
You know how on a wiki if there's a link to page that doesn't exist then that link turns red? You also know how if you click on a link, it will change colour to show that you've already been to that page? Well those two look the same. I can't tell what links I've clicked on and what links lead nowhere. --Brandonhare 02:50, 24 December 2010 (UTC)
It works for me.
Remember to put your signature (~~~~) after the posts and use correct formatting to make it clear who posted and where it should be. -pighead10 21:36, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Are we able to delete or move pages, or add redirects?
I noticed that inexistent pages have a darker shade of red. I do think it should be changed, though. A visited link should be light blue, because red gets annoying at times. Emesstalk 02:59, 24 December 2010 (UTC)
General stuff about your additions to the wiki
I can't find another section to post stuff like this, so I suggest we post stuff here unless I find another suitable one. I'm thinking stuff like what needs removal, merging, changing, or what you're going to do so no one else does it while you're working on it. -pighead10 19:31, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
I'm making a Dialog tutorial page, so no one else start working on one because I'll complete it first and make you sad.
Hey, we could add a project page for doing these things. I don't think MDB would mind and it would be much better than flooding this page. Emesstalk 20:02, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
I finished my Dialog tutorial page. I've noticed that loads of pages including my tutorial page are useful and in the tutorial category, but aren't listed on the tutorial page. Someone review it. -pighead10 10:07, 24 December 2010 (UTC)
CSS Request, again
Ugh, now I did something dumb. There was a zero-width-space corrupting the CSS, in the second chunk of code, between the }</syntaxhighlight> and the .category-up a</syntaxhighlight>. I've fixed it now, but I need you to re-copy-paste. Ta
No. I'd guess that'd be the problem, then. I'll have a go at creating those by copying other pages and changing the properties... :/ -pighead10 09:43, 29 December 2010 (UTC)
Remember, only add the properties UNIQUE to SkateBoard Platform.
I did that before I asked what I put, but I still can't work it out... D: -pighead10 15:23, 3 January 2011 (UTC)
New Home Page
Well, basically I am asking for permission to change the following wiki homepage to this: User:Mattchewy/Sandbox. The banner image from Emess looks great, but the old style looks great also, so I thought I would make a mixture? Input? Suggestions?
There's a giant banner taking up literally half the screen, such that I have to scroll down to get to the important information, which is what I'll be going after 99% of the time I'm on that page. The front page is fine, so leave it alone. If you want to change something, change the fact that every other page on this wiki looks nothing like the front page. --Anaminus 12:37, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
Question about what kinds of things I should include
I found a load() global function in the code for Roblox and was going to add it to the Function Dump/Roblox Specific Functions page. When I tryed it, though, it returned the error not implemented. I want to know if we're suppossed to be writing everything anyone could possibly want, including things they can't use, or if we're just writing things people need. Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm just curious. --ArceusInator 20:26, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
load() is not strictly for Roblox. It is in Lua in general.
Things that are implemented in Roblox for people to use. Would a car manual for a Toyota include information on Ford parts? ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 02:30, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
Object page redesign
Ignoring the fact that the tabs look awful on both, which (info tab) is better? Original , Layout A, or Layout B?
I was looking through the wanted pages page, and saw this. There were 18 links - where people haven't put [[ or ]] next to the links (because otherwise the square brackets would actually show up), it has combined them all into one.
That's because that's a very exceptional case. I didn't design the system with that in mind. With any luck, the dev's will add a superclass so that that doesn't need bodging. That's a fault in the template, not just the usage. Best bet for now: make them all link to a page that summarizes what *Values do
I don't know if anyone's noticed, but there are currently FOUR different places with links to tutorials:
The FAQ/Scripting
Tutorials/Scripting Tutorials
General Scripting
They all link to different sets of tutorials and there seems to be no real distinction between the sorts of things the pages link to, so it's all really confusing.
What I think we need to do is:
Have *one* Scripting Tutorials page that has links to all the tutorial pages that beginner scripters will want to read to help them begin learning the language.
Have a separate Reference section for people who already have a basic knowledge of Roblox Lua and need to look something specific up, e.g. the Function Dump and Class Reference pages should be part of this, and in addition there should reference pages for the different data types and features of the Lua language.
Pages shouldn't have both tutorial and reference information mixed together, e.g. there should be one page that documents the constructors and members of Vector3 and another showing beginners how to use Vector3s.
--SNCPlay42 16:49, 22 January 2011 (UTC)
To help work out the new problems imposed by NXTBoy's new property/event/method syntax, I thought I would add a fix. New documentation:
Single Object
|name = FindFirstChild
|arguments = [[String]] Name
|returns = [[Instance]] ''object''
|description = Returns the first child found with a name of ''Name''.
|object = Instance
Multiple Objects
|name = BreakJoints
|description = Breaks any Surface connections with any adjacent parts, including [[Weld]]s and other [[JointInstance]]s.
|objects = [[Model]], [[Part]], [[Weld]]
When trying to update the NumberValue page for the new object page layout, I noticed that its specific events were the same as its superclass, Instance. There is a specific Changed event for values, but there is also one in Instance, so on the page it shows both :| -pighead10 21:02, 28 January 2011 (UTC)
If you look at the object browser, it too shows both
Could we change the style of the wiki so that links aren't bold?
Firstly, it's visualy distracting. Also, there are a lot of special pages on the wiki that indicate the value of specific pages with a bold font face. At present, this boldness cannot be seen, for every link on the page is bold.
Probably could be overridden with some CSS monkeying. ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 02:30, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
New Beginner Scripting Tutorials
Inspired by Camoy's Cookbook, I'm starting on some beginner scripting tutorials - absolute beginner, for people with no experience whatsoever.
It's going to be relatively informal (not overly informal, but not Lua PIL cold formal style either) and designed to be interesting and to let people have fun while scripting. It's probably going to be ordered mildly incorrect - for examples, whereas PIL goes through the exact details of every data types and tables, mine will go through variables but go onto more strictly-Roblox methods.
Of course, there's going to be a warning telling people that it's not ordered 100% correctly, and that if they wish to use a more correctly structured tutorial they go to lua.org/pil or similar.
MrBlockson's password
MrBlockson hasn't ever been able to log on to his account on the wiki. Naturally he's rather annoyed about this. Can you do something about it? --SNCPlay42 21:20, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
Unfortunately not really, hence why I haven't had anything to say on the matter.
Maybe we could start making pages for things like Hats, Gear, Faces, etc.
I think users would like to be able to know everything about Roblox including trivial things like accessories. Here's a preview I made for the hat template, if anyone wants to see.--ArceusInator (talk | contribs) 08:27, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
Documenting 2000+ hats and gear is a waste of time. That precious time should be used to fix up what is already on the wiki. --Anaminus 14:17, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
There's no point in documenting the little tiny things like that. Information about hats is available in the store, there is no reason to document the thousands of items that are out and about now. We tried to document and keep interesting facts about the hats when they first started, but it became hard to update and eventually abandoned. ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 21:18, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
There's a new logo for the games and .rbxl files
There's a new logo out that appears as the icons for games' windows and as the icon for the .rbxl files. I'm wondering if we're going to replace the old Image:StudioIcon.png with the new .--ArceusInator (talk | contribs) 04:42, 11 March 2011 (UTC)
I see no reason why not to.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 20:56, 11 March 2011 (UTC)
Changes to the Object Documentation Pages
Ever since it was found that classes inherit from one another, I've been rather peeved by the current setup of the class reference pages. At the moment, it groups members of the same name, regardless of their relevance to each other. I've often found people getting confused over these (a prime example being MoveTo). I'd like for some changes to be made.
My proposal is that every unique member get its own page. The name of the page should include the member name, type of member, and class it is a member of. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I've found it difficult to navigate directly to URLs with parentheses, so they probably shouldn't include those. As for redirect pages, if two or more members share the same name, disambiguation can occur on that page that would otherwise redirect to the proper page.
This assumes that each and every member even gets documented with rich amounts of content, such that its own page is required. If all that appears is a box and an example, then they can just be sectioned off on the class page they are members of (kind of what's going on right now). I hope this to not be the case. However, I'd be more enthusiastic about adding content if it were easier to do so.
I can't see any reason not to. The existing documentation system can't work without the redirects unfortunately, but it would make more sense.
Ah, I was wondering how that worked. Isn't there already something that disambiguates members (MemberPage/Type or something)? Could that be adjusted to get the correct member? --Anaminus 19:41, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
Sorry, not gonna work. The /member subpages can't know which instance they belong to - every single one would have to be changed.
So a full entry would have to be, say, {{Member|{{{1|}}}|property|Instance.Parent (Property)}}</syntaxhighlight>? As long as nothing breaks, it's fine with me. --Anaminus 18:27, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
Something like that. More like this: {{Member|{{{1|}}}|property|Instance|Parent}}</syntaxhighlight>. It's best to put separate ideas as different arguments. Feel free to reorder them though. Are you planning to automate the changeover?
I'd love to automate it. Unfortunately, this wiki doesn't have api.php enabled, so my bot doesn't work. There's the option of submitting via form, but I haven't written support for that yet. It would be a while. --Anaminus 21:39, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
The complexity of the templates is far more than necessary. I've found it difficult to edit any of the pages that use these templates, which is why I haven't even bothered trying. Another reason is that I simply do not like the implementation. Such things should be done with an Extension.
I've been working on a more concrete solution, which I will try to outline somewhere.
Presumably, you're talking about the system I've set up to allow inheritance of members from class to class. I realize it's not a great solution, but it's the best I could come up with in the absence of ParserFunctions or a way to test PHP extensions. Besides, I don't think your extension would ever make it onto the wiki anyway. I've been pestering MDB to add ParserFunctions for the best part of a year, and it still hasn't happened.
Having said that, I agree that an Extension-based solution would be ideal
I've been using WAMP and a wiki installation to test. If you're capable of making an extension, I recommend you use this.
The guy you should be pestering is Telamon, as he has access to the server (last I checked, anyway). --Anaminus 18:20, 26 March 2011 (UTC)
I tried to install MediaWiki on a server I had access to, but found it impossible due to either limited memory or lack of command line access (I forget which). I don't have administrator access to my PC, so WAMP is not really an option. I hadn't realised that Telamon was involved in any way with the wiki. I'll pester him on twitter. Ta.
local and admin booleans arguments in the templates
I made a method template that uses two new booleans: admin and local. I think they could help users discern whether or not a method/property/event is local. I made an admin-only method template that was used for the DP and raycasting methods in January, so the admin argument would be an easier way to use that. I'd like some feedback before I update all three templates and possibly get yelled at again.--ArceusInator (talk | contribs) 00:21, 23 April 2011 (UTC)
Depending on how the current templates work, and if the right icons have been uploaded to the right place, you should already be able to distinguish a member as locked. A "local member" doesn't need any special indication other than in its description. Also, locked members don't stack on top of protected members. --Anaminus 16:45, 23 April 2011 (UTC)