User:Mr Doom Bringer/archive
Current major focus: 4/6
Alright guys we're going to make the Class Reference not look like the temporary page I originally created it to be. We're going to make it AWESOME. Seriously.
- Take a look at this page, Object:Part. This is what we're going to make for each item in the Object Browser. The process to create this page:
- Create a page with the title EXACTLY in this format: Object:<ObjectName>
- Start with {{ObjectList}}. This creates the table that you will use.
- There are image icons, check this list over here for the different icons to pick from. Some are reused, such as the
default icon. Put that as the title for the table. Also, put a width at 50px in the beginning, just because it has to be present for the table to format properly. In addition, the bit class="unsortable" will make the first column's sort icon go away, which is good. Format:
!width="50px" class="unsortable"|[[Image:Lolwhatever.png]]!![[RBX.lua.<Itemtitle> (Object)|<Itemtitle>
- Now start in on the functions. Start every box with {{DefaultFunctions}}, this places the global functions right there for you, saves time and typing. You can use the template {{FunctionIcon}} for the function icon. Format:
|{{FunctionIcon}}||[[<Functionname> (Function)|<Functionname>]]
- Same process for listing the Properties. Use {{DefaultProperties}}.
|{{PropertyIcon}}||[[<Propertyname> (Function)|<Propertyname>]]
- Same process for listing the Events. Use {{DefaultEvents}}.
|{{EventIcon}}||[[<Eventname> (Function)|<Eventname>]]
- And close off the table with |}
- Very last thing you do is add <noinclude>[[Category:Objects]]</noinclude< to the bottom of the page.
Move on to the next object in the list that hasn't been documented yet. Gordon and I were working on it today, and there's plenty more to go through. Don't do the ENUMs yet, we'll do something a little different for those. If you want to document a Service-type item, instead of Object:<ObjectName> simply change it to Service:<ServiceName>, and change Category:Objects into Category:Services. That's all there is to it! Any questions?
- Alright MrDoom, they're looking fantastic I'll start. --Camoy, 4.8.10
- Added things, ---05:24, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
- As you may or may not have noticed, there is now a little 'hide' button on the Object tables. This is normal. Click it and see the magic. ---Mr Doom Bringer 20:37, 13 April 2010 (UTC)
- Added things, ---05:24, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
- Is the intent to make the RBX.lua pages obsolete? -- GoldenUrg 02:39, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- If that's the case, then we'd better move the descriptions over to the Object Pages. --Blocco 19:42, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- Nuuuu! You misunderstand the entire purpose of the system
- Object pages are their own page. Think of them like a template, Object:Part exists only to be transcluded onto other pages. RBX.lua.Part (Object) exists to describe the object, and provide detailed information about that object's properties etc. RBX.lua pages will be replaced by something along the lines of User:Mr Doom Bringer/Object Page 2. Obviously needs a little cleaning up but anyhow. ---Mr Doom Bringer 00:55, 27 April 2010 (UTC)
- Nuuuu! You misunderstand the entire purpose of the system
- If that's the case, then we'd better move the descriptions over to the Object Pages. --Blocco 19:42, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- We've got several cases of identical function/event names with completely didn't arguments and purpose. Changed (Event), MouseEntered (Event), and now GetCollection (Function). How do we handle this? Use "InsertService::GetCollection (Function)" or some other permutation? --GoldenUrg 05:01, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Alright MrDoom, they're looking fantastic I'll start. --Camoy, 4.8.10
- Can you clarify a little more on what items are overlapping? ---Mr Doom Bringer 19:27, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
- I took the liberty of putting all the images into a category here
- Thanks, I think that is a good way to help us keep all of them organized.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 17:47, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
- I took the liberty of putting all the images into a category here
Overlapping Properties/Etc
Figured out a solution for when we have overlapping Property pages. Fore example, [[Size (Property) had an issue where it could be either a Vector3 or a UDim2.
Simple fix: Size (Property)/Vector3 Size (Property)/UDim2
Can be transcluded as needed into separate pages by using those links. For example:
Everything is cooler now. ---Mr Doom Bringer 00:16, 23 April 2010 (UTC)
- Headings don't display at all inside of tab sections. -- GoldenUrg 23:27, 16 May 2010 (UTC)
- Yep. I tested it here and it's a no-go. Not sure why.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 01:03, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
- I started playing with it for a bit, I think it's trying to convert them to tabs, or something. I'll keep digging. ---Mr Doom Bringer 21:58, 11 June 2010 (UTC)
- Yep. I tested it here and it's a no-go. Not sure why.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 01:03, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
Unfortunate redirecting to an old version
Badges redirects to the version of page that has obscene words. Odd, isn't it? Anything that can fix this? --Blocco 23:34, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- Odd... It doesn't do that now. --Blocco 21:52, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- Let me know if it happens again. ---Mr Doom Bringer 01:11, 27 April 2010 (UTC)
Advanced Template
Should we create a template for setting off advanced scripting information?
It seems we need to write more of the wiki text for our target audience, but I don't want to leave out the technical details or hide them away on some "everything advanced" page.
Maybe something like User:GoldenUrg/AdvancedTemplate
--GoldenUrg 02:54, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Should all old userpage information be deleted?
None of it really makes sense to keep. Should we just delete all of the non-users' userpage information? --Blocco|Userpage-Talkpage 02:09, 8 May 2010 (UTC)
- Was doing this for anything that I'd stumble across. You don't really need to make it a priority but put the delete category on them if you find them. ---Mr Doom Bringer 20:26, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for adding me to the team
I'd just like to thank you for adding me to the Roblox Wiki team. I'll have a go at porting my code from the wikia pages.
In order to do so, however, I'm gonna need the ParserFunctions extension. That allows conditional statements, depending on template parameters. this text only would show.
On the subject of extensions, I get the feeling that the GeSHi SyntaxHighlighter could be quite handy for formatting lua code.
One final thing that I feel would be a good idea would be to move a lot of the style declarations into MediaWiki:Common.css. That would decrease page size considerably, particularly on the object pages (which repeat style definitions for each property). However, It seems only administrators are capable of editing that page, so I can't move them myself
Thanks again for adding me to the team.
- Could you try and get ParserFunctions installed ASAP?
- At present Alex (The dev behind the Wiki) is tied up trying to get the GeShi Syntax highlighter installed. Unfortunately installing addons is not as cut and dried as they make it seem to be. It's rather annoying, actually. We're working on it, I'll let him know on my next wiki shift. ---Mr Doom Bringer 00:25, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
Template renaming
I'm gonna start trying to port my code from the wikia for the object pages.
At present, I feel that the Event template is poorly named. I think perhaps "Event/box" or "EventDetails" might be a better name. I think "Event" wuld be better suited for a table row consisting of an icon, and an Event Name.
However, I realise that renaming would be rather tricky. Just my two cents.
- If you want to run around renaming all of the events ;D
- It would probably be a good idea to rename that and the Function/Property templates. It's just the amount of work involved that would be absurd. I'm unaware, do template tranclusions forward through redirects? IE:, if I rename the Events template to EventBox and place a redirect on the Event page, would it still work? ---Mr Doom Bringer 19:06, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
- Yes, that would redirect. However, not if I were to change the content of the old Event template (which would be the only incentive to move it in the first place :P). There's no admin find and replace tool, is there, that can operate across all the pages?
- Yes, changing the Property template would also make sense. Although I feel that "Method" is a better name for "Function" in Lua.
- I realise it would be a lot of work. I'm just wondering whether there's a simple way of doing it for sysops.
- Unfortunately MediaWiki is actually a pretty darn mean software system to work with. I wish I had a magic button to change everything but I need to re-learn XML for that to work :D It really wouldn't take that long to switch pages over, but I'd like to know it's worthwhile first. What were you planning on replacing the page with? ---Mr Doom Bringer 00:29, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
- I thought that it would better represent an Event within a object. But I've had a rethink.
- I think I might be able to write a wiki extension (using PHP) for the object documentation, that interprets XML that looks somewhat like this (sorry, can't seem to indent code boxes):
<object superClass="Instance" name="BasePart"> <properties> <property name="canCollide" type="boolean"> <description>Useful</description> </property> </properties> <methods> <method name="breakJoints" returntype="nil"> <description>Useful</description> </property> </methods> <events> <event name="Touched"> <description>Useful</description> <argument name="part" type="Object"/> </property> </events> </object>
- I've recently been brushing up on my PHP to try and get an XML interpreter bot that would automatically update the system based on changes to the ReflectionMetadata, which I'm sure you've heard of. If you'd be able to get that system working it would be most ideal. It might even be possible to reverse the process, to embed our explainations and such into the RM XML file and include it right into the client. Take a look at see what you can accomplish with it, if it works I can try to implement it into the Wiki system. ---Mr Doom Bringer 23:35, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
- Using ReflectionMetadata as source would be great if it actually contained the information, but it doesn't. Any chance the devs would put the object browser info (including hidden stuff) into a parseable file? --GoldenUrg 01:15, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, I'm hosting my XSLT experiments at The xml files themselves are at{Instance_Name}.xml
- Have you had a look at those? The "entire" Object doc on that site is created on the fly using XSLT. Even the tree view on the main page is dynamically created. Does XML-stored data seem applicable to the wiki? I've ecen written an XML schema to make writing the documentation easier!
- Using ReflectionMetadata as source would be great if it actually contained the information, but it doesn't. Any chance the devs would put the object browser info (including hidden stuff) into a parseable file? --GoldenUrg 01:15, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
- I've recently been brushing up on my PHP to try and get an XML interpreter bot that would automatically update the system based on changes to the ReflectionMetadata, which I'm sure you've heard of. If you'd be able to get that system working it would be most ideal. It might even be possible to reverse the process, to embed our explainations and such into the RM XML file and include it right into the client. Take a look at see what you can accomplish with it, if it works I can try to implement it into the Wiki system. ---Mr Doom Bringer 23:35, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
- I was looking at that, actually. It's well done, great job on it. Here's the catch. Can you format the pages into things such as Object:Part or Part? That's the big one, if you can automatically generate either of those pages I'd be happy to include it in the main wiki. ---Mr Doom Bringer 16:53, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
- Do you want me to generate Wiki-code, or generate the HTML the wiki code generates? Also, do you want property details on the same page? And how about method and event arguments: DO you want those to show up as
return_type Method(arg_type arg1, arg_type arg2)</syntaxhighlight>, or just
- Do you want me to generate Wiki-code, or generate the HTML the wiki code generates? Also, do you want property details on the same page? And how about method and event arguments: DO you want those to show up as
- The final page needs to be in Wikitext in case something needs to be changed, and for compatibility reasons. Methods should format into the proper templates, such as FindFirstChild (Function). Same with Properties and Events. In most cases you should be able to put the description right into the description part of each template. Take a look at the template code on that FindFirstChild page, it should be fairly easy for you to dump the proper info in there.
- As for creating the Object description pages, such as Part, those are actually really simple. Compare the code between that and another page that is formatted properly, I think RBX.lua.BodyForce (Object) is. All it does is list the included members in the object, and the Object:BodyForce page. Since I've designed everything to be modular your life should be a bit easier. ---Mr Doom Bringer 21:45, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, I've updated the stylesheet, so the pages should look how you want them. Happy with how it looks?
- I think you missed my point. Take a look at the template for Template:Function. If your system can automatically generate that I'm happy. Same with any table that would resemble Object:Part. ---Mr Doom Bringer 02:22, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
Hierarchy through Properties/Functions/Events
I just had an ider.
Currently in the Property templates and the like, we have a list of what objects that property is found in. I find that a little redundant as we list what each object has for properties in the Object:Blah pages. You guys have mentioned wanting to list the inheritance hierarchy that Roblox uses, and I think I have a solution. Rather than list off the objects that the property is included in, list the object that it is inherited from. That links to the abstract object that is used for inheritance, which then lists which objects are it's children.
For example, the Position property goes back to the Basepart abstract class. The Basepart page then lists that Part is a child. Etc. etc. Opinions? ---Mr Doom Bringer 20:29, 11 June 2010 (UTC)
- mhmm That sounds like it should work.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 21:50, 11 June 2010 (UTC)
- If you make those category pages, wiki will automatically list children. --GoldenUrg 00:32, 25 June 2010 (UTC)
- That's kinda what I was working on with my XSLT stuff I posted a while back. The general aim was to have a consistent way of storing properties and the objects they belong to such that contradictory information cannot be created.
Y'all win a cookie.
Good job. Moderation scheduling became interesting and I haven't had time to work on the wiki. I have been watching you guys for the past two weeks though, and you all seem to be working quite well. Hai5, you earned a cookie. Keep doing what you're doing, the content pages are fleshing out and people are starting to notice. Scheduling should ease out in a week or two, we'll see what happens. ---Mr Doom Bringer 05:28, 8 July 2010 (UTC)
- It's all good. I'm guessing some people are off on vacation or something, I've noticed some of the team not online like usual. I've been busy myself, so hopefully I can get back into it as there is quite a backlog of pages needing to be reviewed.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 21:33, 8 July 2010 (UTC)
Pending Removal
I added a pending removal category to the wiki for pages that writers mark as useless or irrelevant. I have added some pages to it so far, and there is lots more to add; like on this page under tutorials. Aren't we supposed to show them how to make something work, and not just put specific how-to's on the wiki? And also, I was just wondering that if you delete the 9 thousand old wiki users from the database, wouldn't that save a lot of room? --Mattchewy (Profile | Talk) 15:52, 12 July 2010 (UTC)
- I don't think the mediawiki software allows for account deletion.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 21:27, 12 July 2010 (UTC)
- I am sure you can delete it raw from the database. --Mattchewy (Profile | Talk) 00:19, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
- We have no problems with space, and userdata is part of the SQL database, it takes up so little room that it would be more hassle to remove them to let them sit. ---Mr Doom Bringer 19:05, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
- Wow, that's a lot of pages you deleted. I was having idea, and I think you are on the same track as me. How about delete all stubs and all small pages, and we can start over with all of them. --Mattchewy (Profile | Talk) 02:38, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
- Slightly different approach. Where applicable I was actually writing the pages that have the stub tag. That thing annoys me to no end, if I click on a blue link there should be content, not a huge "Hunh, this page doesn't really exist" banner. Leave them and for the most part they don't need deleting. Every separate page for the game's options seriously needed to be condensed into one large guide, or at least sub-pages like we do the Function Dump. But yeah, I've deleted most of what I want to see deleted, anything else actually needs a page created. ---Mr Doom Bringer 20:26, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
Javascript and collapsible tables
One thing that I've noticed with the collapsible tables is that they put the toggle button in the darndest place. I've had a look at the MediaWiki:Common.js code, and can see a simple fix, but the whole things a bit of a mess. I could do a much nicer job with the jQuery library installed.
Doing so is really easy (from your point of view). All you need to do is open "/skins/MonoBook.php" from the wiki root, and stick this line into the file just after the <head></syntaxhighlight> tag:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I would really appreciate it if you could do this, so that I can write some nifty javascript thingies.
On a similar note, can you enable user-css and js, which allows me to modify the css and javascript for my user alone. Instructions on how to do so can be found here.
Thanks in advance
- Both of those actions require server/FTP access, which I do not have. We're waiting on a new developer to be assigned to Wiki tasks, until then we're stuck with what we have. ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 22:36, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, I thought you had FTP access... That explains why we have no GeSHi either. Thanks for telling me
Code Template
I having been working on a feature that will make code viewing easier. I don't know if it is possible to make it a template out of it, but soon it will be highlighting Lua syntax when I get to it. It took me about two hours so far, and hopefully I can finish it this week. Here is the page. Also, is there a way to make the table row's height smaller? Well, anyway, here is a sample:
Simple Loop Example
local i = 1
while true do
i = i + 1
- You should use a wiki template for some of that. Also, once GeSHi is installed, we shall have code highlighting!
<div class="code-box">
<span class="code-header">Sample code</span>
<ol class="code-sample">
<li><code class="code-line">while true do</syntaxhighlight></li>
<li><code class="code-line"> wait()</syntaxhighlight></li>
<li><span class="code-line">end</syntaxhighlight></li>
- Have a look at the jsFiddle here to see the HTML your code should generate, and the CSS which can then be applied to it.
Icon moving
Can we move icons to the name which they're inherited from? So:
Also, when is Image:Object_blank_Icon.png(
) preferable to Image:Object_Icon.png(
Finally, we need to decide whether to use upper or lowercase `i` on `icon`.
- I think that you can use the latter icon when the object is a structural class (not creatable) that other classes are based on. --Blocco|Userpage-Talkpage 22:36, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
- Fair enough. Although normally there's a better suited icon. Also, you didn't sign your post, Blocco
- Lowercase I. At present there is some kind of permission or otherwise error on the Wiki that will not allow me to move images :D So I can't do anything about that. You could try saving, slightly editing and re-uploading the files. Just note that once a file occupies a name it's not going to change.
- Blocco has it right, Object_Icon should be used for a structural class, Object_blank_Icon is used to denote an object without any actual icon for it. ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 21:22, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Someone's posted the link to the secret website no one is supposed to know about.
This website. That person's even made an ad. I will give you the name if you need it.
More CSS
I'm trying to slowly erase misuse of tables accross the site. I recently came across the source for Template:CatUp, which is protected. I've made some changes to it, which you can see here. Basically, I've removed the misuse of a table, replaced it with a div, prevented the image from linking to the image page, and made the whole box one big button. All you need to do is add the CSS on the page to the paster stylesheet.
Ok, I've worked out the most efficient way of doing the object documentation. Take a look at these pages:
To use them, use:
{{Object:BasePart/methods}} or {{Object:BasePart/methods|box}}
Alternatively, for rows in a table, use:
Basically, this means that we don't need to repeat ourselves on the object pages. Although I'm still working on that bit.
I've hit one problem though: naming. Is FindFirstChild a "Method", or a "Function"? I'd say it's definitely a method, but the wiki is rather undecided, using the words interchangeably. Until someone can clarify this terminology, I'm putting my project on hold.
- Can I have clarification that "Method" is the correct terminology? In which case, should they not be categorized under Category:Method as opposed to Category:Function, and have (Method) in brackets after their name? If so, I'd be happy to move them, but I don't have the appropriate tool to do so. With the privileges us writers get, we have to copy and paste the content, and then set up a redirect on the old page, whereas users with higher privileges, IIRC, have a "move" button.
- Correct, they are officially Methods, though I used to class them as functions as I was just rolling with what was already there. As soon as we get a dev assigned to wiki work I'll be able to transfer permissions again. ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 03:33, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, in that case, can we start a transition to this new system? The method is as follows:
- Create sub-pages at
/methods</syntaxhighlight>, /properties</syntaxhighlight>, and /events</syntaxhighlight>
- For each member that originates from that object, add this line:
For example:{{Member/{{{1|box}}}|method|getChildren}}
If the method name is ambiguous, add a qualifying url:{{Member/{{{1|box}}}|event|Changed|url=/property}}
- Finally, add this line to the bottom of each page:
- I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting. How about a working example (maybe TextButton - since the GUI pages need writing anyway)? --GoldenUrg 04:46, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
- Have a look at these pages: . That's currently the best example.
- Oh, to demonstrate the speediness of the new system, take a look at Object:TextButton/properties (and consequently Object:GuiButton/properties, Object:GuiBase/properties, Object:Instance/properties). I can't document the events at the moment, as I don't have an object browser to hand.
New object and member layout
I've been experimented with cleaner and more semantically correct ways of showing the objects.
You'll notice some nifty animations on the latter one.
Too boxey? Not tacky enough? Curved-borders-or-else?
- Needs. To. Match. Existing. Template. Layout. Meaning curves and all get out. Seems to require the jquery module installed, which I'm not certain we have. ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 20:47, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
- The jQuery was only to demonstrate what could be done if said library is installed. At present, I realise tha doing so is not possible
Uploading images from outside of the wiki?
Are we able to upload images from outside of the wiki? I want to use this image, but we can't use it on the wiki, as it is external.
- You can just download it on your PC then use it. --Mattchewy (Profile | Talk) 15:44, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
- Are you looking for a way of hotlinking to it? Otherwise, just type the URL in when prompted to browse
- I've added it. Thanks guys.--Gordonrox24 | Talk 16:09, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
The Object:</syntaxhighlight> 'namespace'
I've hit a metaphorical rock in my attempt to redesign the wiki object-documentation system: although used site wide, Object:</syntaxhighlight> is not actually registered as a proper namespace. Additionally, that means that subpages, like Object:Instance/properties are not properly recognized. It will be a relatively simple fix once a developer with FTP access is assigned to the wiki. Instructions on how to create a custom namespace can be found here. Basically, you add this to LocalSettings.php</syntaxhighlight>:
define("NS_OBJECT", 110);
define("NS_OBJECT_TALK", 111);
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_OBJECT] = "Object";
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_OBJECT_TALK] = "Object_talk";
$wgNamespacesWithSubpages[NS_OBJECT] = true;
Articles to delete
Can we define a standard for marking articles which should be deleted? Currently, we have Pending Removal, and To Be Deleted. Can we collapse both of those into a new category, Category:Candidates for Deletion?
- Pending Removal ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 20:04, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
MrDoomBringer, can you please stop adding the inline code used on RBX.lua.DataModelMesh_(Object) to show the hierarchy!
Firstly, if you're going to use a chunk of code more than once, template-ify it.
Secondly, why are you using imagemap</syntaxhighlight>s to represent an arrow?
Finally, I think I'm getting to the point where I can autogenerate it, now that I'm equipped with the if equals template. You might want to take a look at that one.
- Rather than run off and immediately create a new template every time I come up with an idea I test it out on a page or two first. This implementation isn't working in the way that I would have liked, I'll probably end up removing it. If such an experiment is worth it I will move it to a template when it is ready.
- I'm using imagemap because young users have the idea that clicking an image takes them to the same destination as the link next to it, I'm preparing for that idea. Find me an easier method to route the image link to the proper page and I'll take it.
- Does the template function? ---User:Mr Doom Bringer (Talk) 22:16, 6 August 2010 (UTC)
- What, the if equals template? Of course it does. Took me quite some time to work out how to make it. Is there not a better way of making the arrow clickable? Also, I am now certain that I can generate a list of derived classes with a template. Provided that we start filling out the Object:[...]/superclass pages!
- ok, here is the autogeneration template: template:GetDerivedClasses. Use it like {{GetDerivedClasses|Instance|call=callBackTemplateName}}. I can has cookie?
- Seems strange to create a page instead of just adding a parameter to the object template itself. Especially if it's not really a page at all in the content sense. --GoldenUrg 05:20, 9 August 2010 (UTC)