RBX.lua.HtmlWindow (Object)

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The following article, RBX.lua.HtmlWindow (Object), mentions a feature exclusive to certain versions of the client.
Specifically: HtmlWindow was removed after 2007.

Instance (extends ROOT)
method Clone
method FindFirstChild
method GetChildren
method GetDebugId
method GetFullName
method IsA
method IsAncestorOf
method IsDescendantOf
method Destroy
method ClearAllChildren
property Name
property Parent
property Archivable
property ClassName
property RobloxLocked
property DataCost
event AncestryChanged
event Changed
event ChildAdded
event ChildRemoved
event DescendantAdded
event DescendantRemoving
Derived Classes
A interactive HTML window generated by HtmlService
Bind( Instance object, String property, String htmlElementId )
Returns nil
Description: Binds the property of an instance to an HTML input.
Member of: HtmlWindow
Close( )
Returns nil
Description: Closes the HtmlWindow, this deletes the instance, it does not hide it.
Member of: HtmlWindow
Navigate( Content URL = about:blank )
Returns nil
Description: Allows the DHTML to load a trusted url. It should be noted that Navigate loads about:blank by default.
Member of: HtmlWindow
Resize( Integer Width, Integer Height )
Returns nil
Description: Changes the size of the window.
Member of: HtmlWindow
SetBody( String HTML )
Returns nil
Description: Sets the HTML contents of the window. Can be run on a single window continuously, allowing for dynamic content.
Member of: HtmlWindow
SetCallback( Function callback )
Returns nil
Description: Passes back variables from executed javascript code to lua.
Member of: HtmlWindow
Show( )
Returns nil
Description: Opens the HtmlWindow, does not update the contents. It should be noted that, if you don't use this, the window will still run in the background.
Member of: HtmlWindow
Unbind( )
Returns nil
Description: Removes every Bind related to the given window.
Member of: HtmlWindow
DocumentComplete ( String URL )
Description Fired when the DHTML document finishes processing a SetBody
Member of: HtmlWindow