Hullo! I've been playing Roblox for 2 years!
Script Bin!
Hey look! A bunch of useful scripts!
Chat Command
All of these are chat commands.
Boot Script
Kick players from your server
Kill Script
Kill players in your server!
Vroom! Script
Whoa! Cool!
VIP Script
Enable VIP for players in your server!
Messages Script
Display messages in your server!
Reset Script
Wedged into a staircase? Unstuck yourself!
All of these happen when a player enters a server.
Inanimate Script
Remember the ol' days? Turn your character's animation off!
VIP Weapons Script
Now you can have VIP-only weapons!
Everything else!
Shirt Door Script
Now you can be a sell-out!
Circle Script
Create circular awsomeness!
Welder Script
Pairs with Circle Script. Weld your circles!
Want more? Check out my models!
Various random anythings in a nutshell. Translated from forum posts I've made.
- 'return' in a nutshell
Defining 'return' and how to use it.
- 'break' in a nutshell
Defining 'break' and how to use it.
- 'local' in a nutshell
Defining 'local' and how to use it.
- 'for' in a nutshell
Defining the 'for' statement and how it is used.
- 'metatables' in a nutshell
Defining 'metatables' and how they are used.
Here's a list of subpages/projects:
- /AIConcept -- Thoughts
- /PlaceTransfer -- Thoughts
- /Doc:ScriptBuilder -- Documentation for Script Builder
- /Doc:ScriptBuilder:CmdM -- Documentation for Script Builder Command Markup
- /Doc:ScriptBuilderPRI -- Documentation for Script Builder PRIVATE
- /Temp:ClassRef -- Class Reference template attempt
- /Projects -- A tutorial project
- /CRTemplates -- Class Reference Templates
- /Pages -- A "refurnishing" project
- Templates
- /!
- Navigation
- Classify
- (Main) part of a "refurnishing" project
- Category part of a "refurnishing" project
- Image part of a "refurnishing" project
- Template part of a "refurnishing" project
- Templates
- In this page
- Discarded
- /Pages/1st Sweep -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/1st Sweep/Delete -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/1st Sweep/Delete/(Main) -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/1st Sweep/Delete/Image -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/1st Sweep/No Delete -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/1st Sweep/No Delete/(Main) -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/1st Sweep/No Delete/Image -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main) -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Blank -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Great -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Jumbled -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Protected -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Redirect -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Revise -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Satisfactory -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Started -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Stub -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Update -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/(Main)/Wikify -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/2nd Sweep/Image -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/3rd Sweep -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/3rd Sweep/(Main) -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /Pages/3rd Sweep/Image -- Apart of a "refurnishing" project
- /PlayerEntered -- Not mine???
- /SBExternalSource -- Old hax
- /Sample -- Old hax
- /Sample2 -- Old hax
- /ex -- Successful template is successful
42400-42900, 46000-47300, 47500-47600, 65300-65410 / 1620887