User talk:Sduke524/SumoBots
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Rule problems
Some problems I can forsee here:
- Overly fast motors
- Overly large, hollow robots
You might want to impose a size limit, and some maximum motor/VehicleSeat speeds.
- MaxSpeed of VehicleSeats is effected by how much torque the vehicle has. The amount of Torque a VehicleSeat can have before flipping itself is determined by the weight. So the weight classes set limits on the speeds. Also if someone makes a large, hollow bot, they still will only have as much push as their weight will allow.--~SDuke524~ 17:53, 18 March 2012 (EDT)
Regulation of RayCasting
Can I suggest adding something along the lines of, a standardized "sensor" that limits the raycasting functionality to an interesting level? That one would be used like:
local robot = script.Parent
local sensor = robot.RangeFinder
local range = sensor.GetRange:Invoke()
if range ~= math.huge then
--We can see something `range` distance away!
Exactly how do these robots "fight"? I think you should clarify that... Legend26 (talk | contribs) 17:42, 22 March 2012 (EDT)