User talk:Tomtomn00/Roblox Wiki General Updates

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Tomtomn00's Notice:
Yeah, feel free to contribute to this page, leave any feedback and even contribute to the vote about this. --Tomtomn00 (talk/contribs/log)


I have a page similar to this. I suggest we combine it. You game? - Quenty (talk • May 5)


I don't see a need for any of these at the present time. Right now, we're trying to sort out the general structure of the wiki. Making the wiki public would disrupt that tremendously. --Anaminus 18:41, 5 May 2012 (EDT)

At the moment, indeed But considering how much time it takes to get the devs to do anything about the wiki, perhaps it'd be better to start trying to get their attention right now... --JulienDethurens 18:42, 5 May 2012 (EDT)
Yeah, I do think we want a public wiki. Just not now. We would probably need time to 'Prepare' - Quenty (talk • May 5)