These are just some general updates/changes I wish for this wiki to have/get.
As this is only the wiki, give some people Sysop/Bureaucrat permissions?
Abuse Filter
Documented at MediaWiki .
What it does;
Picks up any bad edits, vandalism or anything in bad faith (after configured)
Can automatically warn, block, revoke permissions and tag any edit/editor
Also allows people to learn Regex, as there is a reason to learn it.
Expand LocalSettings.php - Rights (1, o1):
/* The Rights Giving Process */
$ wgRemoveGroups [ 'Bureaucrat' ] = array ( 'Abuse Filter Editor' );
$ wgRemoveGroups [ 'Reviewer' ] = array ( 'Editor' );
$ wgAddGroups [ 'Reviewer' ] = array ( 'Editor' , 'Abuse Filter Editor' ); /* The Abuse Filter Right Itself */
$ wgAddGroups [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ] = array ( 'Editor' , 'Abuse Filter Editor' );
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'abusefilter-modify' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'abusefilter-hide-log' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'abusefilter-hidden-log' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'override-antispoof' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'abusefilter-revert' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'abusefilter-view-private' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'abusefilter-modify-restriected' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'unblockself' ] = true ; /* Sometimes you will get your own actions caught in the filter */
That is for the group adding.
Expand LocalSettings.php - Permissions (2, o2):
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'writer' ][ 'block' ] = true ; /* You may think I , Tomtomn00 have lost my mind , but no . Moderate it better ( if public ). */
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'writer' ][ 'reupload' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'delete' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'bigdelete' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'undelete' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'apihighlimits' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'browsearchive' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'move' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'movefile' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'editor' ][ 'autoreview' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Reviewer' ][ 'supressredirect' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Reviewer' ][ 'autopatrol' ] = true ;
Advanded Permissions to moderate it.
Expand LocalSettings.php - Error Fixing (3, o3):
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'block' ] = true ; /* Has to have Block in the Right . */
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'createtalk' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'createpage' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'edit' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'editprotected' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'patrol' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'review' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'reupload' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'upload' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'patrolmarks' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'unreviewedpages' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'autoconfirmed' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'protect' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'autoreview' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'validate' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'editwidgets' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'editinterface' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'Abuse Filter Editor' ][ 'delete' ] = true ;
Plus a few more things, see below.
Expand LocalSettings.php - For 'em sysops & normal editors (4, o4):
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'sysop' ][ 'abusefilter-modify' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'abusefilter-log-detail' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'abusefilter-view' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'abusefilter-log' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'sysop' ][ 'abusefilter-private' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'sysop' ][ 'abusefilter-modify-restricted' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ 'sysop' ][ 'abusefilter-revert' ] = true ;
Expand LocalSettings.php - Editors can add it to 'emselves (5, o5)
$ wgGroupsAddToSelf [ 'Editors' ][] = 'Abuse Filter Editor' ;
$ wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf [ 'Editors' ][] = 'Abuse Filter Editor' ;
Explained in title.
We should go public again. Discuss on the talk page
Expand LocalSettings.php - Rights/Permissions (1, o6):
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'createpage' ] = false ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'upload' ] = false ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'reupload' ] = false ; /* Not too many permissions */
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'createtalk' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'createaccount' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'edit' ] = true ;
$ wgGroupPermissions [ '*' ][ 'read' ] = true ;
Not too many permissions, we write, they edit.
Spam Blacklist
Documented at MediaWiki .
Expand Explanation from MediaWiki (1, o7):
The SpamBlacklist extension prevents edits that contain URLs whose domains match regular expression patterns defined in specified files or wiki pages. When someone tries to save a page, SpamBlacklist checks the text against a (potentially very large) list of illegal host names. If there is a match, the extension displays an error message to the user and refuses to save the page.
Expand LocalSettings.php - Code (2, o8)
require_once ( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php" );
Add that to the bottom of LocalSettings.php
Bad Behavior (unstable)
Not sure about this one, because it's unstable. See MediaWiki .
Expand Description from MediaWiki (1, o9):
Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which automatically blocks harvesters, spam bots, and other funky stuff. Bad Behavior version 2 was released on July 4, 2006 with better support for blocking malicious edits on MediaWiki. It installs much as any other extension.
Bad Behavior is designed to integrate into your PHP-based Web site, running as early as possible to throw out spam bots before they have the opportunity to vandalize your site with their junk, or even to scrape your pages for e-mail addresses and forms to fill out.
Not only does Bad Behavior block actual vandalism to your site, it also blocks many e-mail address harvesters, resulting in less e-mail spam, and many automated Web site cracking tools, helping to improve your Web site’s security.
From MediaWiki .
Expand LocalSettings.php - Editor Namespace (1, o10):
# Editor namespacedefine ( "NS_Editor" , 300 ); # define NS_Editor variable at namespace index 300 define ( "NS_Editor_TALK" , 301 ); # define NS_API_TALK variable for talk page $ wgExtraNamespaces [ NS_Editor ] = "Editor" ; # add the Editor namespace as the name "Editor" $ wgExtraNamespaces [ NS_Editor_TALK ] = "Editor_talk" ; # add the Editor talk namespace $ wgNamespacesWithSubpages [ NS_Editor ] = true ; # enable subpages for Editor $ wgNamespacesWithSubpages [ NS_Editor_TALK ] = true ; # enable subpages for Editor talk
For editor discussion only? If writers get protect permissions, and edit-protect, we have a discussion? (public-wiki).
Expand LocalSettings.php - API Namespace (2, o11):
# API namespace
define ( "NS_API" , 200 ); # define NS_API variable at namespace index 200
define ( "NS_API_TALK" , 201 ); # define NS_API_TALK variable for talk page
$ wgExtraNamespaces [ NS_API ] = "API" ; # add the API namespace as the name "API"
$ wgExtraNamespaces [ NS_API_TALK ] = "API_talk" ; # add the API talk namespace
$ wgNamespacesWithSubpages [ NS_API ] = true ; # enable subpages for API
$ wgNamespacesWithSubpages [ NS_API_TALK ] = true ; # enable subpages for API talk
I stole this off User:Anaminus/API Documentation Changes . Note: Namespace indices 200 and 201 are registered by the SocialProfile extension, but it's unlikely that the Roblox Wiki will ever install it. Alternate indices can be chosen, as long as they don't conflict with other extensions that may be installed.