User:ArceusInator: Difference between revisions

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<Imagemap>Image:LuaLearners Ad.png|center
default []
desc none</Imagemap>
<!-- User:ArceusInator/New_Writer_Welcome_Page -->
<!-- User:ArceusInator/New_Writer_Welcome_Page -->


<font size=4px>Current Date:{{LOCALTIME}} {{LOCALMONTH}}/{{LOCALDAY}}/{{LOCALYEAR}}</font>
<font size=4px>The page {{FULLPAGENAME}} is currently using {{PAGESIZE:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}} bytes of data.</font>
<font size=4px>This page was last reviewed on {{REVISIONMONTH}}/{{REVISIONDAY}}/{{REVISIONYEAR}}.</font>

<div style{{=}}"float:right; margin-left:5px;">__TOC__</div>
<div style{{=}}"float:right; margin-left:5px;">__TOC__</div>
Line 76: Line 72:
i = -(3/4)
i = -(3/4)
=== Nom ===
<font color=#>
Magic Characters/Methods: <font color=#999900>#999900</font>
<font color=#999900>~@#%^*()-=+[]{};:<>, ..</font>
Strings: <font color=#FF5555>#FF5555</font>
<font color=#FF5555>"String"</font>
Numbers: <font color=#5555FF>#5555FF</font>
<font color=#5555FF>0123456789</font>
Keys: <font color=0000FF>#0000FF</font>
<font color=#0000FF>local for do while not if then elseif end function and or in repeat until break return nil true false</font>
Notes: <font color=555555>#555555</font>
<font color=555555>--note
    long note
Global functions/variables: <font color=5500BB>#5500BB</font>
<font color=5500BB>assert collectgarbage dofile error _G gcinfo getfenv getmetatable ipairs load loadfile loadstring newproxy next pairs pcall print rawequal rawget rawset select setfenv setmetatable tonumber tostring type unpack _VERSION xpcall print printidentity tick time wait delay spawn LoadRobloxLibrary LoadLibrary settings UserSettings crash__ game workspace</font>
Libraries + Library Functions: <font color=BB00FF>#BB00FF</font>
<font color=BB00FF>coroutine coroutine.create coroutine.resume coroutine.running coroutine.status coroutine.wrap coroutine.yield string string.byte string.dump string.char string.find string.format string.gmatch string.gsub string.len string.lower string.match string.rep string.reverse string.sub string.upper table table.concat table.foreach table.foreachi table.getn table.insert table.maxn table.remove table.setn table.sort math math.abs math.acos math.asin math.atan math.atan2 math.ciel math.cos math.cosh math.deg math.exp math.floor math.fmod math.frexp math.huge math.ldexp math.log math.log10 math.max math.min math.modf math.pi math.pow math.rad math.random math.randomseed math.sin math.sinh math.sqtr math.tan math.tanh Instance Instance.Lock Instance.Unlock</font>
Error: <font color=FF0000>FF0000</font>
a <font color=999900>= </font><font color=5500BB>[[DataModel|game]]</font><font color=999900>:[[GetChildren]]()</font><font color=555555> --> </font><font color=FF0000>s GetChildren</font>
<font size=4px>Example:</font>
<font color=0000FF>local </font>Model<font color=999900> = </font><font color=BB00FF>[[Instance Table|Instance]].[[Instance Table#Functions|new]]</font><font color=999900>(</font><font color=FF5555>"[[Model]]"</font><font color=999900>, </font><font color=5500BB>[[Workspace|workspace]]</font><font color=999900>)</font>
<font color=0000ff>if</font> Model<font color=999900>:[[IsA]](</font><font color=ff5555>"[[PVInstance]]"</font><font color=999900>)</font><font color=999900>)</font><font color=0000ff> then</font>
    <font color=5500bb>[[print]](</font><font color=ff5555>"Win! :D"</font><font color=5500bb>)</font>
<font color=0000ff>else

Revision as of 18:33, 24 May 2011



Ideas and Lost Thoughts


Ways to contact me:


I'm ArceusInator.

Send me a Friend Request! Send me a Private Message! Send me money! Send me the title to your car!

Some things I'm proud of:

I haz dusekkar


I solved i! :D

c = 4-3i

|c| = √(4²+3²) = √25 = 5

|c|² = |c²|

5² = 4²-2•4•3i+3²+i²

25 = 16-24i-9

24i = 7-25

i = -(18/24)

i = -(3/4)