User talk:VoidWhisperer

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Game tutorials

If you feel as though a tutorial needs to be made, you have every power to make it yourself. ⇒OutOfSpace

That's fine, I'm just telling you that you can make one, and if it's really good, I'll put it on. ⇒OutOfSpace
Hey, I got your message. I agree that we definitely could use a tutorial on minigames. Unfortunately, that's a weaker spot of mine when it comes to scripting... there's much I have to learn! In other words, although I could learn by writing a tutorial on those things, there are people who could write far better and far more insightful tutorials than I could. MINDRAKER 08:14, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
I've started a very brief tutorial, if you want to take a look at it. It is still in extreme scratch copy form... but if you could give me an idea of what you're looking for, that would be great. Also, I'm really not sure what you mean by "How to make it realize the last one standing". MINDRAKER 10:59, 31 December 2008 (UTC)