User:Typhoon/Dagger Noobs

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At Telamon's Sword Fight on the Heights (obviously after the first), I routinely hear someone calling another person (sometimes me) a dagger noob or an Ice noob. Here's what my comeback is, followed by a conversation that ends in the same way all the time.

Ice Noob!

Person: ____ is an Ice Noob!
Me: How is Ice Dagger noobish?
Person: (comment on how easily it kills)
(sometimes this comes in: Me: Well, it kills as easily as a level 9 ghostwalker.
Person: But they work for it.(whatever else he might say))
M: So anything that pwns you is noobish?
P: No, just the dagger, noob
M: But Telamon uses the dagger. Does that mean HE's a noob?
P: No, he uses it for (insert supposedly rational reason here)

Continuing with the idiocy

The argument of logic vs. "Dagger is noobish" goes on for a little while. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the next part to happen. Nobody has ever left while arguing with me on this subject. Once, I have even had someone else just going in a completely different, spamming direction, agreeing that Telamon WAS a noob and just being flat-out random in his comments!


Sooner or later, there comes a time when the argument comes to a close. Here's how it usually ends, beginning with the "dagger is noobish" guy killing me with a dagger in spite of himself!

P: How does that feel? (or something like that)
M: Well...
M: With your logic, I just got killed by an Ice noob.
P: HA!
M: BUT, with my logic,
M: I just got pwnd by a person with a dagger, and I'm perfectly fine with that!

After which the person just ignores me or calls me a noob. Think about my logic. Which seems more noobish at the end of that argument?
