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Change Log w/ Tables

2/1/2012 | Web 121a

Category Description
Game card Show pane to users w/ no credit to show them what they can buy with credit.

More Detailed Documentation

Touched ( BasePart otherPart )
Description Fired when another object comes in contact with this object.
Member of: BasePart
Further details


  • otherPart - The other object that this object came in contact with


local Brick = script.Parent
	print(CollisionBrick.Name .. " has collided with " .. Brick.Name .. "!")


  • Lots of objects (such as projectiles in weapons) have scripts that remove the part as soon as it touches something. This means that it is possible for the otherPart argument's Parent to be nil. Scripts that use Touched should check for this, otherwise they will break if they try to use members of otherPart's Parent.

See Also


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