Go Here javlon:
I current run a website (for fun) at
I hope to add something that easily teaches Lua. :P However, for now it is a blog about ROBLOX, along with a community website, as it has forums and a Q/A (stackoverflow style) help area.
We are currently accepting new members. :P
We are currently accepting new people. We need...
- Forum Moderators
- Contributes (Writers)
- New Blogs
- Members
If you want to help, send me a message on ROBLOX. If you can't send me a message on ROBLOX , and since this is a ROBLOX fan site... anyway. Also, be sure to signup as a member. Thanks. Oh yeah, include the following info in your message:
- Account on this website (You'll need to make one, you can do this after getting accepted though, just say you'll make it)
- Reasons why you want to join
- What you want from joining (Stylized blog or just help post content)
- Your experience with wordpress
- 1 Paragraph about you (To see your writing style).
Example of a clan website: We also haz...
- Custom HelpDesk
- Forums
- RSS Feed
- Blogging (Wordpress is used for this)
Anyway, if you want a website for your clan. :P (The URL may not be pretty, but you get the information across)