
From Legacy Roblox Wiki
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I believe the wiki needs to have a standard look, feel, writing style, tutorial method, and other things. I will post the stuff that I think should be standard, but if you're a wiki writer, feel free to post your own stuff here. Here's what I think:

Template Look

I think we should standardize all templates to look like this:

I rather like the way it looks, and I find it appealing. Unfortunately, most of our templates look like this:

This is a read-only property. It cannot be written to, only read.
This page has been nominated for deletion
Protected:This item is protected. Attempting to use it in a Script or LocalScript will cause an error.

I would like them to look like this:

I like this style. I also slightly like wikipedia's style, although not as much.

Standard Tutorials

I think all tutorials should be written like 'So then you want to do', using 'You'. This is a friendly way to talk about stuff to people. I wouldn't object to using wikipedia's style either. I also think tutorials should clearly flow from one tutorial to another, from using the website/game, to building a game, to scripting. I think that we should teach about how to run a group, how to make money, how to do stuff that makes ROBLOX fun. I don't think that this should just be a documentation of the API of ROBLOX. I also think that we need.

  • More links, eveywhere
  • A Standard Layout... (Following Wikipedia's.) (General Overview, TOC, Sections, then See Also)
  • To separate the Object namespace from the search results (I.E. show articles, then the object name space).
  • To stop using the tutorail namespace.
  • To have a standard formatting of images, and stuff.

And maybe have:

  • History of ROBLOX
  • More Plugins
  • Tests

However, we do need to clean out tutorials

Free To Edit

I believe we should let the wiki be edited by anyone. Now, I do think we need to implement strong control. I think that we should just allow editing, of pages, by users. Mediawiki has a great control and rollback control. If we install a lot of spam filters, include a capitcha for non-standard writers, and force them to make an account, as well as not letting them create pages, and reviewing, protecting, and locking pages, as well as blocking abusive users, we can do a lot better. If you notice, wikipedia gets vandelized every few seconds. But their bots, smart users, and a lot of other things take care of it.

This can allow older users on ROBLOX to help edit the wiki. If you look at other wikis, like the Minecraft wiki, you can see a successful game community writing articles about Minecraft. I see no reason why ROBLOX can't do the same.

I do thing we need to implement a lot of rules, protections, pages, guidelines, and security precautions before releasing it. However, I am confident that if you gave us about 1 week to prepare, the wiki would be a much more livelier, accurate, and engaging place to have. Media wiki was 'designed' to be a wiki. Something everyone can edit.

Let's make it that way.


I think we should get a few, nice, bots that do a little bit of cleaning up in here.