MouseDown (Method)

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MouseDown( Instance MousePart, Vector3 PointOnMousePart, table Parts )
Returns nil
Description: Initializes a dragging action, specifying which parts to use when dragging.
Member of: Dragger


  • Initializes a dragging action.
  • Once this has been called, it cannot be called again until MouseUp has been called.
  • Generally called with Mouse.Button1Down.



  • The primary dragging part.
  • All parts will be dragged relative to this part.
  • Generally will be Mouse.Target.


  • The relative position to MousePart.
  • The Mouse will center exactly on this point when dragging.
  • Generally will be Mouse.Target.Position - Mouse.Hit.p</syntaxhighlight>


  • A list of parts that will be dragged along with the MousePart.
  • MousePart must be somewhere in this list.
  • The CFrames of each part are kept relative to the MousePart when dragging.
  • Only BaseParts are allowed in the list.
  • Parts that appear multiple times in the list will behave unexpectedly (i.e. dragging is applied to that part multiple times)

See Also