Heartbeat (Event)

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Heartbeat ( double step )
Description This event fires every frame in which Lua is ran. The step argument tells you how much time has passed between frames. This is usually around 1/30th of a second.
Member of: RunService

The following code would be put in a Script. The script can be placed in the Workspace.

local service = game:GetService('RunService')
local variable2 = 5
    if variable2 > 0 then
        variable2 = variable2 - 1
        print("The function returned: "..variable1)

The function returned: 0.033333335071802 The function returned: 0.033333335071802 The function returned: 0.033333335071802 The function returned: 0.033333335071802

The function returned: 0.033333335071802