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Revision as of 00:39, 15 November 2007 by >SonOfSevenless
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My hax are leet.

Current projects:


- Transport -

Teleport to Outpost

Jump Boots

Jet Boots


- Mining Tools -



Big Bomb

- Personal Defense -




Currently the map is known as Wizard War. Players take on the role of powerful wizards and do battle with spells.

In the future players will select a specific branch of magic to specialize in and by leveling up gain access to more powerful spells.

This map is inspired by the many wizard duel arena games from the late 80s/ early 90s.

Store Script

local w = game:service("HtmlService"):NewWindow()

function getPlayer(humanoid) local players = game.Players:children() for i = 1, #players do if players[i].Character.Humanoid == humanoid then return players[i] end end return nil end

w:SetCallback(function(a) print(a)

local gold = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Gold

-- Store if (a == "jetboots" and gold.Value >= 10) then gold.Value = gold.Value - 10 local item ="IntValue") item.Name = "JetBoots" item.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.inventory end

if (a == "deringer" and gold.Value >= 15) then gold.Value = gold.Value - 15 local item ="IntValue") item.Name = "Deringer" item.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.inventory end

if (a == "multibomb" and gold.Value >= 25) then gold.Value = gold.Value - 25 local item ="IntValue") item.Name = "Multibomb" item.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.inventory end

if (a == "busterbomb" and gold.Value >= 50) then gold.Value = gold.Value - 50 local item ="IntValue") item.Name = "BusterBomb" item.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.inventory end


w.DocumentComplete:connect(function () w:SetBody([==[


General Store

What do you need? Careful not to buy anything you already have, you can only carry one of each item.

Jet Boots - 10 Gold
These boots will let you fly for a short time. Select and hold down the mouse button to use. Great for climbing out of holes.

<input id="Button" type="button" value="Buy JetBoots (10 Gold)" onclick="window.external.Call('jetboots')" />

Deringer - 15 Gold
Deringers are weak guns, but they're great for scaring away gold-stealing noobs.

<input id="Button" type="button" value="Buy Deringer (15 Gold)" onclick="window.external.Call('deringer')" />

Multibomb - 25 Gold
The theory is that lots of bombs are better than just one. Often, you'll just blow yourself up by accident. lol!

<input id="Button" type="button" value="Buy Multibomb (30 Gold)" onclick="window.external.Call('multibomb')" />

Buster Bomb - 50 Gold
This is a powerful bomb is really good at crunching up rock and will save you a lot of time.

<input id="Button" type="button" value="Buy Busterbomb (50 Gold)" onclick="window.external.Call('busterbomb')" />


Thank you come again!



w:Show() end)
