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My sandbox.. Not usually for scripting purposes; just for notes to myself and such.

lol.. looking back at the list I just made, it looks kind of pathetic. oh well.


Quenty mentioned this on MrDoomBringer's talk page, I thought I'd start on a list.

General Acronyms

PM = Personal Message

FR = Friend Request

BC = Builders Club

TBC = Turbo Builders Club

OBC = Outrageous Builders Club

NBC = Non Builders Club

AA = Admin Attack

RP = Role Play

General Slang

Noob = ..

Troll = ..

Forum Acronyms

RT = Roblox Talk

LMaD = Let's Make a Deal

S&I = Suggestions & Ideas

OT = Off Topic

C&G = Clans and Guilds

Those are the main ones; you can come up with an acronym for almost any forum.

Add "er" to the end of one to define a person. For example, "RTers" and "OTers".

Forum Slang

Things like "tl;dr" here?