User:Outofspace/PM SYSTEM

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Revision as of 01:06, 26 November 2008 by >Outofspace (Working on 1.4)
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Version 1.003.003d

A place messaging system.


You can tamper with this in my script builder or you can pick a copy up in my models. Most help can be found in the "README" script.


All text in italics represents user input. replace it with something optional. All items striked are not functional yet, but will be in the future.

  • Making a message:
    • make/name - Makes a message. "name" will be known as it's "ProjectName"
    • rec/name - Sets the recipient, or to whom the message will be sent.
    • title/name - Sets the message title. Be "creative".
    • b/text - This makes the message part. It might be required. You decide.
    • save/ - Saves message(s) to later be sent.
    • open-project/name - This opens said saved items. Just replace name with the previous prject name.
    • delete/name - Deletes a message.
    • send/name - Sends a message. If no recipient, body, or title is set, the message will not be sent.
  • Checking messages:
    • view/INPUT - Views messages based on what "INPUT" is. See bellow for what you can replace it with.
      • nread - Lists all unread messages.
      • all - Lists all messages under your inbox.
    • open/title - Replace "title" with the name of the message you want to read.
    • check/ - Tells how many new messages you have.
    • reply/title - Obvious. Works the same way as "make" would.
    • del/title - Removes a message.


Anything in "()'s" is a powerlevel. things in Bold are commands.

  • Powerlevel (3) - Get to view, edit, remove, and send ALL messages and scripts.
  • Powerlevel (2) - Everything Admins do, except they can't read Admin messages.
  • Powerlevel (1) - Send, view, edit, and delete messages.
  • Powerlevel (0) - Can view messages; cannot make or send anything.
  • Powerlevel (-1) - Gets to use nothing. Set these people in the "send" script.
  • Here are their commands:
    • PL 0 can:
      • Check or view messages.
      • Nothing besides that.
    • PL 1 can:
      • Do everything under "Making a message"
    • PL 2 can:
      • last/ - Views last sent message.
      • clear/ - clears everything under "Messages", including the last sent.
      • pl1/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to 1
      • pl0/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to 0
      • nopm/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to -1
    • PL 3 can:
      • Do everthing that PL 0-2 can.
      • shutdown/ - Turns off PM_SYSTEM...forever.
      • pl3/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to 3
      • pl2/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to 2


  • setup - Makes values, models, and scripts for newplayers and within the main model.
  • send - This runs the show.
  • README - Information about PM_SYSTEM.

RoadMap for 1.0+


  • Ability for text to scroll across screen.
  • Use of "/sc"
  • Anonymous message sender?


  • Announcements.




  • v/ was replaced with open.
  • Fixed a problem where view/nread would view everything.
  • You can now "nopm" yourself.


  • Added -1.


  • view/blah will now display for 2 seconds.
  • "isnew" was fixed.



  • open-project/name was added.


  • none.


  • New control panel!
  • The time it lets you read a message was defaulted to 60 seconds.
  • view/nread bug was fixed.
  • open/ will display the title and ammount of time you have to read said message.


  • This was mainly a lot of bug fixes.


  • More fixes.


  • none.


  • You can set this display time.
