
From Legacy Roblox Wiki
Revision as of 19:25, 8 July 2011 by >Aesri
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Hey guys, I'm Aesri Orevius aka Lucas. I became a Writer on the Roblox Wiki on July 8th, 2011 and I'm proud of it. If you ask someone who knows me well, they would say that I am a respectful, understanding, academic achiever that consistently strives for nothing but the best and enjoys helping others learn and become confident in themselves with that subject.

I enjoy scripting and building on Roblox and try to lend a hand to others whenever I can. I will dedicate my time on this Wiki to assisting people in understanding scripting, building, and improving outdated or missing information to make this Wiki the best that it can be.

If you'd like to get in contact with me send me a message via Roblox by clicking here, I will always check my Roblox messages and respond if necessary. If problems occur on my Roblox account which may stop you from contacting me, try my email adress "" which I will try check weekly.
