User talk:Megamatrixdude/How To Get An Asset's Image

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Revision as of 15:29, 30 July 2011 by >Blocco
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I get an internal server error when I go to that link...? --crazypotato4 20:55, 26 July 2011 (UTC)

Alternative way of getting URL

Can't you just make something like: "" and use string::format?

local baseTexture = "";
function GetAssetTexture(aId, w, h)
	if aId == nil or type(aId) ~= "number" or (type(aId) == "number" and aId%1 ~= 0) then error("Bad argument #1 to GetAssetTexture (integer expected, got " .. type(aId) .. ")") end
	return baseTexture:format(w or 110, h or 110, aId);
Posted by blocco (talk) on Jul 30, 2011 (Saturday) at 15:29 (UTC) [Discuss format]