User talk:Anaminus/tree

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Revision as of 07:04, 10 April 2012 by >Anaminus (→‎Moving?)
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I was just going to replace a tree made with a list I saw on a page by a tree using the {{tree}} template, and then I remembered about this... It looks fine, and it certainly creates more beautiful source than the current {{tree}} template, so should we move it? --JulienDethurens 02:48, 10 April 2012 (EDT)

Sure. Here's the script that can generate the source:
-- use Execute Script...
-- Outputs tree of selected object, or entire game if nothing is selected
-- Outputs to Script in Workspace named "Tree Output"

local namespace = "User:Anaminus/"
local tree_name = "tree"
local node_name = "treenode"
local exclude_children = {
	Stats	= true;
	CoreGui	= true;
	[""]	= true;
local output = ""
local tab = 0
local function recurse(object)
	tab = tab + 1
	local has_children = #object:GetChildren() > 0
	local expand = not exclude_children[object.ClassName]
	output = output .. string.rep("\t",tab).."{{"..namespace..node_name.."|"..object.ClassName.."|"..object.Name
	if has_children then
		if expand then
			output = output .. "|\n"
			for i,v in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
			output = output .. string.rep("\t",tab)
			output = output .. "|"
	output = output .. "}}\n"
	tab = tab - 1
output = "{{"..namespace..tree_name.."|\n"
recurse(Game:GetService("Selection"):Get()[1] or Game)
output = output .. "}}"
local s = Workspace:FindFirstChild("Tree Output") or"Script",Workspace)
s.Name = "Tree Output"
s.Archivable = false
s.Source = output

--Anaminus 03:04, 10 April 2012 (EDT)