Talk:Examples of bad places

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Start talking about places you think belong here and don't belong here. --ANormalUsername1

What about GTA?-Raneman25

No, don't edit this. It's fine as is. It really should be locked. --Anaminus 20:24, 11 September 2008 (CDT)

"Sparta!!!" was originally on there. Oh well. --Anaminus 02:42, 13 September 2008 (CDT)

"Gunfight at OK coral" is a little offensive to myself, but oh well. I would guess the big rule is don't make places on recent disasters...Your system of judging current event places is a little odd; so you are saying that the Vietnam War or Death of Kennedy is allowed? Twila27 08:58, 13 September 2008 (CDT)

  • Everything will be offensive to someone. "Caesar's invasion of Gaul" could be offensive to someone in France, even though that happened 2,000 years ago. Where do we draw the line? We have to draw it somewhere. MINDRAKER 09:53, 13 September 2008 (CDT)

From this article, I can assume these are not allowed:
  • Scams (Win 1000 Tickets by completing this place)
  • Sexually oriented topics (Get Married and Make Babies, Fun Dating Place, Stripper Club, Sex Party)
  • Topics related to drugs, alcohol, etc... (Moe’s Tavern and Bar)
  • Human-related or obviously offensive -cides (Twin Towers / 9-11, Hanging of Sadam Hussein, Be a Terrorist, Columbine School, Suicide Place, Auschwitz, Bulldozer maniac loose in Gaza Strip, Suicide bomber, Nazi Death Camp)
  • Recent events in which very many people have died (China Earthquake)
I can also assume that these are allowed:
  • Old events; historic events (Escape the Titanic, Parachute out of the Hindenburg, Noah’s Ark/ flooding, Great California Earthquakes (1906, 1989, etc), Omaha beach 1944, World War II Battles, Pearl Harbor, Gunfight at OK coral, Viet Nam River Boat / Apocalypse Now)
  • Stuff that's apart of the game (Bloxxing places, Stealing a Plane)
  • Role-playing (Raise a Family)
  • Not directly related to death (Hurricane Katrina Escape the Flood) -- not entirely sure about this one.
--Anaminus 23:26, 13 September 2008 (CDT)
I think at some point it's up for us interperate some of this and use common sense when making places.
Also, Hurricane Katrina isn't something I'd exactly enjoy remembering. However, the severity of the place counts to. Making something that recreates a sacrificial area depicting killings is something we shouldn't have on the first page of the games. Maybe this article needs to show that, like some-of what Mindraker said, that it's not about what the content is, but drawing the line at some point.
  • There is going to be some disagreement over Ananimus' list, perhaps, but it's on the right track. "Recent" events is a little fuzzy... that needs to be sharply defined -- 5 years, 10 years, 50 years, what does that mean? For me, perhaps, Hurricane Katrina is very emotional, because of where I come from. "Escape the hurricane" (general) is much better than "Build a levee to stop Hurricane Katrina!" (too specific). You get the idea. MINDRAKER 05:57, 14 September 2008 (CDT)

My thought is that there should be no difference between dates. If you're going to say "no disasters that killed people", it shouldn't matter if that's last month or 1000 years ago.

Content is important.

I disagree with the following:
-China Earthquake -- if this isn't allowed, then why are these allowed: "Great California Earthquakes (1906, 1989, etc) " ? I think there should either be no earthquake restrictions, or "You can have earthquakes so long as it isn't based on real life events".
-Many of the war places. You know, "Nazi Death Camp" killed like 6 million Jews, was it? Or 13? I forget (and am too lazy to look it up), but WWI and WWII killed more that by a long shot. That doesn't make sense to me.

chess123mate 19:24, 15 September 2008 (CDT)

  • You could make it VERY cut and dry and simply say "No real life references whatsoever". But that would make it very strained. "Survive the sinking boat formerly known as the Titanic!"  ;) MINDRAKER 19:31, 15 September 2008 (CDT)
I think we've identified several points that need to be looked at while judging a place:
  • Is the content nothing more than a grave yard?
  • Is the name meticulously accurate about the events?
  • Is it something associated with mass death and suffering?
    • Does it try to re-create that? (See 1st example).
  • Is the content suggestive?
