RbxStamper (Library)

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Revision as of 22:31, 12 March 2012 by >JulienDethurens (The API: Temporarily hiding the red links. Using ifexist or something like that isn't worth it, since these pages will soon be created.)
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RbxStamper is a RbxLibrary that provides functions for use by ROBLOX's building tools. Even though it was designed for ROBLOX's building tools specifically, it could still be useful if you're making your own building tools.


GetStampModel( number assetId, boolean useAssetVersionId )
Returns Model or string
Description: assetId is the asset to load in, define useAssetVersionId as true if assetId is a version id instead of a relative assetId. Returns the asset contained in a Model, or a string with error message if something fails.

See Also