Personal Messages
Personal Messages are messages that users send and receive from each other.
Each message can only be seen by the sender and the person who receives the message. All messages go through the moderation system, and reported messages are sent straight to a Moderator to see what is going wrong.
Looking at your messages
Looking at your own messages is really easy! If you have any new unread messages, they will show up in the top right side of the website, right next to your RoBux and Tickets.
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When you click on this blue notification it will immediately send you to the Inbox, where you can read your messages
Sending a new message
Creating a new message is a simple process. Go find someone to send a message to, I'll send a message to Telamon.
Here is Telamon's User Page, and right underneath his Personal Blurb is a link that says Send Message! See it?
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