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A Boolean, or Bool value is a very simple type of data. It can be either true or false. That's it. Either yes or no.

In Lua, everything that has a value is treated as true when converted to a boolean, unless it is nil or false.

One easy way to think of Boolean values is as a light switch. A switch has two positions, on and off. So when you flip the switch, you change it from one to the other.

The same idea works with bools, and you may also hear people say things like "flip the switch to true", or something similar. This is because a lot of people think of bools as switches.

Booleans are really easy to use. Like so:

MyBool = true

if MyBool then
    --If "MyBool" is true, this code is run.
    --If "MyBool" is false, this code is run.

See Also

RBX.lua.BoolValue (Object)

Programming in Lua 2.2: Booleans

Lua Types Tutorial

Not operator

And operator

Or operator