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Revision as of 20:22, 1 October 2008 by >Wyoming (→‎Sub-Space Tech)
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Just my Wiki Page that I'll decide to keep up-to-date with any news or anything I wanna say

Last "Official" Update:

Wyo 15:09, 1 October 2008 (CDT)


May as well start of with some summaries/explanations of my Current Places.

The X-Naut Fortress

This is currently my default place which was originally created to test my building skills but, unless I make a HQ, will also serve as the Base of Operations for the Sub-Space Army.

The Fortress currently has the shells of Level 1 and Sub-Level's 1-3
Sub-Level 3 also houses the access to the Sub-Space Tech Building if the player can find all of the Card-Keys to pass the door.
There is also a Sub-Level 5 for my "admins" who I specially select. (A.K.A Mainly my better friends on ROBLOX.)

Note that i say "shells" of the levels due to the fact that they currently dont have much inside the rooms. I'm planning on making it a close to the real thing as possible in the near future.

Elemental Fight at the Temple of Seasons (BETA)

This is a public beta of a place i'm currently working on where the players fight for control of the Rod of Seasons. The teams are as follows:

  • Tower of Spring
  • Tower of Summer
  • Tower of Autumn
  • Tower of Winter

The map (Incase you havnt seen it or noticed) is my recreation of the Temple of Seasons from Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

Rod of Seasons

The Rod of Seasons is the major item in the entire map. The bearer of this rod has full control over the Seasons. But what makes this so vital to any team's progress, is the fact that the Power of a Team's Weapons is decided by whoever it is who bears the rod, as the team that gets double power is decided by the current season.

Super Paper Mario Gamma Testing

This is where i shall be testing the majority of my SPM System. Though, it's not going well at the moment as the last update screwed up the movement part of the Flip Tool in online. (I believe it still works in solo, i'll have to mess with it, see what i can do.)

Airship CTF - Battle Arena

Ah yes, my first "real" place. Bring's back a few memories, lol. Simpley put this is a two-way tactical CTF game. The main feature of the map is the Battle Arena in the middle of the Airships. The battle arena is unique due to the fact that to pass it on foot, you will need to find the fastest or safest possible route accross. Each sector of the Arena contains an obstacle, be this a few simple barricades, or a maze. But be careful taking the central route, though it is the quickest, is possibly not the best way to go, especially if you have the opposing team's flag and one of them is on your back. This is because the Central Sector is a regenerating minefield. If your not careful you'll get blown to bits, but if you are, the opposing team may catch you. Decisions, decisions huh? Thats what makes this so tactical.

Sub-Space Tech Testing Grounds

This is the official testing grounds for any model made by Sub-Space Tech. Note that as this is a testing ground, dont expect everything to work. But if you want to have a mess with some models/creations, this is the place to come!

Metroid Prime Hunters Weapon Testing

Name says it all really. This is the place where I'll be testing my re-creations of the weapons in MPH. The current set consists of:

  1. Imperialist
  2. Volt Driver
  3. Magmaul
  4. BattleHammer
  5. Judicator

I'm still working on a (somewhat) functioning version of the Shock Coil but unfortunately thats so far under development it'd be pointless me adding it...

Classic AWP Map - Wyo Version

Ah yes, what I consider to be my best recreation. As it's description says, i'd put it at 90-100% accurate to clockwork's. It took me quite a bit of time exploring/disecting/testing different forms of velocity options to get the bricks to fly off when hit as close to clockwork's as possible. But after a lot of thought i finally managed to find the right combination of velocity to get it the way it is now.

The Sub-Space Army

It's about time I got down to writing this part seen as i've mentioned the SSA and SST earlier in this page. The Sub-Space Army is a (currently small) clan that I made not too long ago that is compromised of Three Core Sectors:

  • Sub-Space Army
  • Sub-Space Tech
  • Sub-Space Air Force

Sub-Space Army

Head of Sector: *NIL*

Currently the Army Sector of the SSA is the least focused on and smallest sector in the SSA. I will be getting down to doing something here soon, but I'm a little bit focused on Sub-Space Tech.

Sub-Space Tech

Head of Sector: Wyoming

As the name suggests, this is the Scripting Sector of the SSA. Though this may contain some building areas, SST is mainly focused on all things Lua. Sub-Space Tech has created quite a few models since it's start about 2-3 weeks after the main SSA was founded.

NOTE: Sub-Space Tech is looking for intermediate and above leveled scripters to join. If you would like to join, please send a PM to me and an example or two of thing you've made. (If you try to trick me by re-uploading a model it wont work, i'll be able to tell almost straight away.

Sub-Space Air Force

Head of Sector: Zaxerman

The Sub-Space Air Force is the second smallest sector in the SSA. In the SSAF we focus on all things plane and tactical. If you would like to join send a PM to the HoS Zaxerman. If you would like to be trained in the fine art of Aerial Combat send a PM to Zaxerman or Ninjapenguin.


(I will continue editing this page soon. I dont have much free-time at the moment due to all the School GCSE Work.)