User:Outofspace/PM SYSTEM

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Revision as of 09:15, 17 November 2008 by >Outofspace (Done, goodnight.)
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Version 1.00.00

A place messaging system.


You can tamper with this in my script builder or you can pick a copy up in my models.

All text in italics represents user input. replace it with something optional. All items striked are not functional yet, but will be in the future.

  • Making a message:
    • make/name - Makes a message. "name" will be known as it's "ProjectName"
    • rec/name - Sets the recipient, or to whom the message will be sent.
    • title/name - Sets the message title. Be "creative".
    • b/text - This makes the message part. It might be required. You decide.
    • save/ - Saves message(s) to later be sent. (See Also: Draft)
    • delete/name - Deletes a message.
    • send/name - Sends a message. If no recipient, body, or title is set, the message will not be sent.
  • Checking messages:
    • view/INPUT - Views messages based on what "INPUT" is. See bellow for what you can replace it with.
      • nread - Lists all unread messages.
      • all - Lists all messages under your inbox.
    • v/title - Replace "title" with the name of the message you want to read.
    • check/ - Tells how many new messages you have.
    • reply/title - Obvious. Works the same way as "make" would.
    • del/title - Removes a message.


Anything in "()'s" is a powerlevel. things in Bold are commands.

  • Powerlevel (3) - Get to view, edit, remove, and send ALL messages and scripts.
  • Powerlevel (2) - Everything Admins do, except they can't read Admin messages.
  • Powerlevel (1) - Send, view, edit, and delete messages.
  • Powerlevel (0) - Get to use nothing. Set these in the "send" script.
  • Here are their commands:
    • PL 1 can:
      • Do everything under "Making a message"
    • PL 2 can:
      • last/ - Views last sent message.
      • clear/ - clears everything under "Messages", including the last sent.
      • nopm/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to 0
      • reg/player - sets the powerlevel of "player" to 1
    • PL 3 can:
      • Do everthing that PL 1-2 can.
      • shutdown/ - Turns off PM_SYSTEM...forever.
      • pl3/player - sets the power level of "player" to 3
      • pl2/player - guess at it.


  • setup - Makes values, models, and scripts for newplayers and within the main model.
  • send - This runs the show.
  • README - Information about PM_SYSTEM.

RoadMap for 1.0+


  • config - No longer used. Future plans: script sender.
  • Ability for text to scroll across screen.
  • Use of "/sc"
  • Anonymous message sender?


  • Announcements.