One of the benefits of registering an account at is getting your very own "place"; a fully editable location on the website where you have the option of either showcasing your creations to the world, or limiting access to only your friends.
The Default Place
The default place is a happy home in ROBLOX (as seen to the right). "A Happy Home in Roblox" is one of three default places a player has the option of choosing from. In addition, a User is given offline editing access to their place, as well as access to the Roblox Studio for further manipulation.
Place Configuration
Description, Title, and Settings
The player is allowed to give an appropriate description and title to their place, which will be publicly displayed, as well as a list of options to manipulate access their place, choosing the theme of their place, and limiting the ability of other people to copy their place.
Reverting / Rewinding Unwanted Changes
Should a user make an unwanted change to their place, they can revert it to whatever state they previously had it in via their place's configuration page. Remember, whenever a person visits a user's place, the changes made online are never saved!
Roblox saves each place in XML format.