How do I publish models?

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Publishing a model is fairly easy, here are the steps.

  • 1: Make your model. It can consist of whatever, even custom decals.
  • 2: Group your model. This can be done by clicking and dragging a selection box around all the blocks you want to save. Then, press Control and G at the same time, and it will take all of the blocks that you have selected and group them, so you can move the entire thing as one.
  • 3: You may have noticed in the Explorer toolbar that a bunch of bricks became one thing. Click on the one labeled "Model". This should select the model that you made.
  • 4: (Optional) Open the Properties window, with the model selected. In this window, you will see several little rows. Ignore all but the one named "Name" for now. Click on the name (currently "Model") and type in what you want to call this model.
  • 5: There, your masterpiece is ready. Right click on the model you just named and click "Save to Roblox". A new window will appear, and you can fill in the name and a short description of it. You can also select if you want it to be public or not. This means whether or not other people can use your model. Normally you want the fame of a cool model, so go ahead and click this checkbox.
  • 6: Click OK and you are done! You can go to your profile and look at your model.

When you make a description, try to make it just that, Descriptive. Don't say things like "LOL SUPAH TRAINZ ROXXOR!" and attach it to a complicated train. Say something like a basic run down of the controls, like "A simple little on/off train. The green button makes it go, and the red one makes it stop." will do quite nicely.