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Chrisalua: I don't realy think age mattters.Telamon said that age dosent matter, It is maturity.So realy, a 9 year old could be a forum moderator?Am I right?Also, I think you can live anywhere to be one.Am I right again?'

Yes, But for a nine year old to do it they have to they have to basicly be super human. :/ --~Roni123 06:27, 2 August 2008 (CDT)
Considering I am 9 too, I don't think I could be one until i'm a mid-teenager. Usually 9 year olds need more maturity :). --Armydude123 09:24, 2 August 2008 (CDT)
I'm 12. Chances are that you have to be 15ish to be a mod. :/
--~Roni123 09:29, 2 August 2008 (CDT)
Yeah. I'm not even interested in being one, yet. --Armydude123 09:30, 2 August 2008 (CDT)
I in-fact want to be a wiki sysop since MrDoomBringer takes long 'vacations' from the wiki and ALLOT needs to be done. Also, if I were picking someone to be one, I'd say being 12+ is viable. For those wondering, I'm 14. ⇒OutOfSpace
Err, asking usually lowers your chances :\ --Armydude123 22:34, 2 August 2008 (CDT)
I'd probably never get that position anyway, so hiding that I want to be one is pointless (when did wnting become so hard :/?) ⇒OutOfSpace
I support OOS!!!! OOS For prez. :D --~Roni123 09:50, 3 August 2008 (CDT)
I support him too. I was just saying :P --Armydude123 11:30, 3 August 2008 (CDT)

Shanethe13: How about adding a note at the bottom saying that if anyone who isn't listed here claims to work for Roblox, not to believe them, and to report them immediately?

Yeah, they could do that, but there must be hurndreds of imposters, So doing this would be near to imposable, and take up a lot of time. --Jacobxxduel

No, he means to add a disclaimer saying that 'people who aren't on the list aren't admins/mods, and thus should be reported.'

Well, there it is, it's officially official.

Scripter isn't on the list any more.

I believe I have the level of maturity to handle other players. I could be a Forum Moderator. I see that the need for Moderators is currently fulfilled, but if there ever is a shortage, I wouldn't mind being a Moderator. --N2KC 20:24, 29 February 2008 (CST)

Oh, I just want to add, isn't Are92 a picture Mod? Why isn't he up there? --Blox370 16:51, 7 March 2008 (CST)

I've asked to be a moderator once, but that didn't really work out. So, let's just keep it SIMPLE. You need to be over 18 years of age, have 3+ years of experiance programming, and live in California. From mjt510 --mjt510


The guy who said he thinks he is "mature enough to be a moderator" is soooo pathetic. "I cn see that the position for moderator is filled, but if there is ever a shortage, i would be glad to help" PATHETIC!!!


how is that pathetic? pretty much, you're saying that its pathetic to want to be a moderator -_- man its pathetic that you think that its pathetic


I am randell kahley (randellman) and I want to now how to join

Moderation A-Team 

I am 11 years old and I just wanted to ask pleas anser.


You have to be mature, have good grammar, be old enough, etc. You fail at that.

Considering the fact that you said you hated this site, you tried to rick roll me into an adult website, you can barley spell, you cursed and otherwise vandalized pages (Not to mention you left PROOF that you did all of these things in the history of these pages, and made separate alts to try and hide this), you're not going to even be considered for this job. Plus added on with "you're too young anyways", you're not going get it. Don't get your hopes up.


BrightEyes doesn't have a badge. REMOVE HIM FROM THE LIST... or... Give him a badge.
Maybe he's a secret mod. His true powers might not need to be seen. ⇒OutOfSpace

Could I please be a Forum Moderator?

I am 10 years old, extremely mature, and believe everyone deserves a second chance... or at least a first. I feel I should at least have a chance.

You have to be 14 years old, and your not aloud to ask or you'll N-E-V-E-R get a chance. Great job ruining your chance.


I know how to edit wikis!!

Quote: "You have to be mature, have good grammar, be old enough, etc."... I think I am all of that... I am not sure about the age though.

You didn't ruin your chances, but you can never ask to be a moderator in any game. To become a moderator, you must be patient and show good behavior in Roblox, and in maybe 4 years if you're still playing, you'll become one.-Malvaviscos 08:35, 12 October 2008 (CDT)


How do I join Moderation A-Team?