User:ArceusInator/Ideas and Lost Thoughts

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Revision as of 16:21, 6 January 2011 by >ArceusInator (moar)
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Lost Thoughts

  • BasePart.Touched( Instance object, NormalId face )
  • Camera.PanUnits ".TiltUnits and ".Zoom should be unlocked
  • ClickDetector.MouseClick( CFrame mouse.Hit, NormalId mouse.TargetSurface )
  • Player.Chatted( String text, Bool teamchat )
  • Players.SystemChat( String text ) -- for things like badge award chats
  • Instance > ValueContainer > Color3Value/BrickColorValue/CFrameValue/etc.
  • InsertService:GetUserCanInsert( Int userId, Int assetId )
  • DataModel.MembershipRequired = MembershipType
  • Humanoid.HumanoidController = Instance
  • CFrame.rx ".ry ".rz ".R00 ".R01 ".R02 etc. should be readable without going through a process.
  • Player.NameColor = Color3 (Read-Only)
  • TextButton/TextLabel/TextBox.Bold = bool
  • TextButton/TextLabel/TextBox.Italic = bool