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Revision as of 22:29, 11 January 2011 by >Mattchewy (Nasty code you had there...)
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A ProtectedString is a data type that imitates the behavior of a String while still being very differrent. This type of String is neither readable or writable from Scripts. Here, I will use the Script's Source property to demonstrate what would happen if you were to attempt to manipulate a ProtectedString.

print( Workspace.Script.Source )

This would call an error saying that Source is not a valid member of Script. This is because the script you are using doesn't recognize Script.Source. It won't recognize any other ProtectedString value either.

There is no way to create a ProtectedString value.

Getting around Script.Source

This is a major obstacle that gets in the way of many scripters all around Roblox. It's the problem of setting a Script's Source. Many scripters will try to set Script.Source the conventional way:

Workspace.Script.Source = [[print("Hello, World!")]]

Unfortunately, this does not work. There is only one way to set the Source property and it is as follows:


-Script   [Disabled = true]
--SourceCode   [className = StringValue]

Workspace.Script's source:

assert( loadstring( script.SourceCode.Value ) )()

Your script's source:

Workspace.Script.SourceCode.Value = [[print("Hello, World!")]]

--> Hello, World!