Comments (Scripting)

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Revision as of 14:05, 1 November 2010 by >Camoy
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What are Comments?

Comments are exactly what they sound like, they're comments. They are there just for organizing code and such. Lua will not do anything with these comments.

Single-line Comments

A comment starts anywhere with a double hyphen (--) and runs until the end of the line:

-- This is an example of a comment

Comments do not appear in the output window. They are mostly to help the programmer understand what a section of code is for in long, complicated scripts.

Block Comments

Lua also offers block comments, which start with the first double brackets and run until the corresponding double brackets:

This is an example 
of a block comment.    

Notice how this comment is on more than one line. In the first example, it is limited to one line.

See Also

Lexical Conventions