User:GoldenUrg/Object Page 3: Difference between revisions

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separate common methods/properties/events
pointing to right definition
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<div class="tabbertab" title="Common">
<div class="tabbertab" title="Common">
{{:Changed (Event)}}
{{:Changed (Event)/property}}
{{:ChildAdded (Event)}}
{{:ChildAdded (Event)}}

Revision as of 16:02, 2 February 2012

Clone( )
Returns Instance
Description: Returns a clone of the object and its children, unless its Archivable property is false. The clone will have the same properties as the original object and the same descendants (except those with an Archivable property set to false). The clone's Parent will be nil.
Member of: Instance
FindFirstChild( string name, bool recursive = false )
Returns Instance
Description: Returns the first child found with a name of name. Returns nil if no such child exists. If the optional recursive argument is true, will recursively descend the hierarchy while searching rather than only searching the immediate object.
Member of: Instance
GetChildren( )
Returns table
Description: Returns a read-only table of the object's children.
Member of: Instance
GetFullName( )
Returns String path to object
Description: Returns a string with a dot (.) character separating a path of object hierarchy excluding "game".
Member of: Instance
IsA( string className )
Returns bool
Description: Returns true if the Instance is that class or a subclass.
Member of: Instance
IsAncestorOf( Instance descendant )
Returns boolean is ancestor
Description: Returns true if the object is an ancestor of descendant.
Member of: Instance
IsDescendantOf( Instance ancestor )
Returns bool
Description: Returns true if the object is an descendant of ancestor.
Member of: Instance
Remove( )
Returns nil
Description: Sets the Parent property to nil and calls Remove() on all children.
Member of: Instance
BreakJoints( )
Returns nil
Description: Breaks any surface connection with any adjacent part, including Welds and other JointInstances.
Member of: BasePart, Model
GetMass( )
Returns Number object mass
Description: Returns the Number of the object's mass.
Member of: BasePart
MakeJoints( )
Returns nil
Description: Creates a joint on any side of the object that has a surface ID that can make a joint.
Member of: BasePart, Model
Type string
Description The name of the object, which is often used to identify it in the context of its parent. Note that names are not unique identifiers; multiple children of an object may share the same name. In a script where you want to access an object using a name, for example, game.Workspace["Brick"], the first object found with that name is that object. This "first object" can be found in the Explorer menu.Names are great for showing a very brief title or summary of an object.
Member of Instance
Type float
Description Sets how see through an object is. 1 being totally see through and 0 being completely visible.
Member of BasePart, Decal, GuiBase3d

There are two different Velocity properties:

Type Vector3
Description Stores the speed and movement direction of the object.
Member of BasePart
Type Vector3
Description Determines the constant directional force applied to the parent object.
Member of BodyVelocity
Changed ( Property property )
Description Fired whenever a property of the object changes.
Member of: Instance
ChildAdded ( Instance child )
Description Fired after a child is added.
Member of: Instance
Touched ( BasePart otherPart )
Description Fired when another object comes in contact with this object.
Member of: BasePart