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Revision as of 21:05, 2 April 2008

I have to agree with yor many tutorail. I agreee that you shuoldn't give out ideas, people have to thnik of it on their own. I came up with a great idea, a unique game, and i made a quick demo of it for a populairty test. It got 130 vists on hte first 3 hours beforee i shut it down. Having new ideas helps. --Lolzy 11:59, 2 April 2008 (CDT) , AKA Ferretguy

Yes. Sadly, people don't appreciate creativity these days. T_T. In fact, I'm beginning to think the only reason my Giant Pachinko Machine was so popular was because people thought the pins were spikes, and assumed it was some kind of killing machine. T_T --JustinP231 13:04, 2 April 2008 (CDT)
Hmmm......I feel very strongly about noobs who steal ideas. If we just !!REJECTED!1 (Hint Hint) people who were copying another pesons place or idea, we just might elminate the need for such sections. Some noob played my survier place and tryed to remake it so he can be popular....what a noob. --Lolzy 13:09, 2 April 2008 (CDT) , AKA Ferretguy
Wait a second... 'Ferretguy'?! Aren't you the original creator of 'Build to Survive', with your tsunami level? --JustinP231 13:12, 2 April 2008 (CDT)

No Thats a friend of mine, snowtheferret. I created Survier (the actual title). You probly wouldn't know that. I had it up for 3 hours as a popularity test. It was very popluar, im working on v2, witch is alot more fun, and more building space. --Lolzy 13:18, 2 April 2008 (CDT) , aka Ferretguy

Oh... Well, I knew it was some kind of ferret. XD. Anyway... It makes me sad to see all the rip-offs and copies! This one day, some noob named "Cheater" was at the top of the games list with the level "Minigame-World Tycoon", which was just an EXACT COPY of miked's Minigame World, with a few items added to buy with points. Which brings me to another thing. I hate how people started adding 'Tycoon' at the end of all their place names. "Don't add it unless it really is one!!!". That's what I almost shout each time I see one of those. >_< --JustinP231 13:22, 2 April 2008 (CDT)

Ya....They give tycoons a bad name. I'm a fan of REAL tycoon games, and i never vist a game with the word TYCOON in it's title. Ane people need to get seirous about copylocking. Even in my unfinshed places, i've got things that a noob would LOVE to copy. I spent alot of time making scirpts and what not for D.C. I've got my 3 personal favorite scirpts/ objects made by me that i don't wnat a noob to get ahold of. P.S. you know me in game. Rember the guy who wanted a buyable pet script? That was me. I tryed to make my own but i couldn't figure out how to combine buyintg and pet getting. =P....--Lolzy 13:37, 2 April 2008 (CDT) , AKA Ferretguy

A buyable pet? Easy! =D I could make one for you once I get an internet connection on my computer. XD. Just a few questions. 1. What currency/how much? 2. Doess a floating, glowing orb that follows you qualify as a pet? 3. Would you like it to just follow you or should I give it some random behaviors? =D

Lol i already ssent you the specs, but here we go: 1.Money, and should be like 400, and stays with you when you die. 2. Yes, i realy don't care, but a more detailed pet for later verison might help. Also, add some sparkles if ya can. They are a kool new feture that everyone like. You don't have to make detailed, just saying. 3. Some following and radom behaviors. If thats to complex just make it follow.

Here are some behaviors I'd like, but not needed. Anything you like. If you take 3 weeks to make it and it's awesome, i don't mind the wait. Try to make the pet the best possible, as it's supossed to be a mojor part of being a house owner in the game =P:

Spawns a "Poo" Block that is brown every 2 min. Make sure hte poo is unlocked and the pet is locked, because i think im adding a game tool to make things more realistic.

Stop a set brick (inlcude with the pet button) for 20 seconds, then follow agian. use debounce for this.

a stream of "Pee Blocks" with no can collide and disspaer after about a minute. Locked.

Ferretguy, AKA, --Lolzy 16:05, 2 April 2008 (CDT)