Talk:Script Obfuscation: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 00:32, 17 March 2012

Not actual obfuscation

I just thought that I would let you know that from my perspective, obfuscation is not making machine code, but rather making code to be interpreted, but just harder to understand. Like jQuery, but in the minified form. I may be severely off, btw.

Posted by blocco (talk) on May 14, 2011 (Saturday) at 17:44 (UTC) [Discuss format]
Obfuscation simply describes the act of making code hard to read. Normally, this consists of changing variable names (like jquery.min.js). However, this isn't exclusive.
20:48, 14 May 2011 (UTC)
Posted by blocco (talk) on May 15, 2011 (Sunday) at 01:54 (UTC) [Discuss format]

There's a reason I put "" as the second argument sent to loadstring. It's because it needs to be there. It's the chunk's name.

Not sure I know exactly what you mean. Why does my method of skipping the loadstring step altogether not work?

22:49, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
Loadstring has a second argument, which chooses the chunk's name. If you leave it as default, it will be the source of the code, which we certainly don't want.
7 February 2012


Yea, but by using string.format, you're changing the null characters to "\000" which, for one, isn't consistent with the example on the page and for two ends up way longer than my code. Did you even look at the other changes I made or just pressed "undo"? You could have at least had the decency to look at what you were undoing first. Legend26 (talk | contribs) 01:22, 16 March 2012 (EDT)

Well, I did notice the other edits and I was going to do it again. As for the example, I didn't update it because bytecode loading is going to be removed soon anyways and the wiki doesn't support all the characters (if I remember right). As for it being longer, that's not the point... Escaping all characters including those that have no need to be escaped is stupid. If you want to make it shorter, just replace all occurences of "\000" by "\0" using gsub. The reason we are escaping characters is so characters that can't be put directly in strings will not make it error. Lua has a function just for doing that, so let's use it. As for making it shorter, we can then do it with gsub and other string manipulation functions.
16 March 2012
Just because the ability to do this may be removed, it doesn't mean that the article should be wrong. The "output" of the given code should still be fixed. Also, by "soon" you mean in a year perhaps. They've talked about getting rid of it for... how long now... Legend26 (talk | contribs) 01:51, 16 March 2012 (EDT)
I just tried updating it with the proper examples. The wiki can't handle the special characters nor can a lot of other things. That's partially why I changed it. I really do think my version is preferable all things considered. Legend26 (talk | contribs) 20:27, 16 March 2012 (EDT)
Scripts can handle it, and that's obvious, as that's precisely what that function was made for. If you want to make it shorter, replace all occurences of "\000" by "\0". That'll make it considerably shorter than the other one.
17 March 2012