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Latest revision as of 01:55, 29 August 2008

@PilotLuke's interesting spider idea: The rockets wouldn't be too hard to do, the Killbot that Telamon coded would do the job fine, but getting it to walk around would take some doing. This might become easier as the Lua in Roblox develops better, and gets faster, but all I can think of at the moment would be thick legs that you use Rotational Velocity to rotate, somehow moving it. Good idea, and a good descriptive picture.

---Mr Doom Bringer 16:48, 12 February 2007 (CST)

Looks cool! A spider is technically possible today, but only if one is willing to script all the linkages like we did with the humanoid. I'm getting on BM to make us a linkage editor which will make creating robots easier --Telamon 17:26, 12 February 2007 (CST)

Movie Theater

There was another idea, about a Movie Theater. Well, all it comes down to is the screen, and the movie, everything else is the model, which wouldn't be too hard to make. In order for a movie to play, it has to be a picture, so you would probably only be able to do a slideshow at the moment. I doubt that .GIF's are allowed as a decal, check with Telamon.

---Mr Doom Bringer 21:05, 5 March 2007 (CST)

Something like a zoetrope is possible today - in single player only, since we have that problem with MP decals. Stills images plus sound should be possible by the end of the month. Playing streaming video on a brick surface is a ways off. --Telamon 13:17, 6 March 2007 (CST)

That's what I was thinking. Video, not only taking up a large amount of the map rendering to load, would have to be synced to all the computers, creating a nightmare for you guys.

Re: Gravity Bricks

I had an idea for implementing the Gravity Bricks idea. There is a black hole model that contains a gravity script in it. It would be simple to make the script not-deadly (just remove the Child:Remove() line), but the resulting gravity is too strong. Here's the script:

local hole = script.Parent
local childList = {}
local childSize = {}

local massConstant = 1

local mass = 100000 * massConstant

function checkObject(obj)
	if (obj ~= hole) and (obj.className == "Part") then
		if (obj.Anchored == false) then
			table.insert(childList, 1, obj)
			table.insert(childSize, 1, obj.Size)
		if (obj.className == "Model") or (obj == workspace) then
			local child = obj:GetChildren()
			for x = 1, #child do
				if (child[x] ~= hole) and (child[x].className == "Part") and (child[x].Anchored == false) then
					table.insert(childList, 1, child[x])
					table.insert(childSize, 1, child[x].Size)
				if child[x].className == "Model" then


function cross(v1, v2)
	return * v2.z - v2.y * v1.z, v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z, v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y)

print("Black Hole script loaded.")

local min = 0
local max = 10
while true do
	local n = 0
	while n < #childList do
		if n % 800 == 0 then
		n = n + 1
		local child = childList[n]
		if (child ~= hole) and (child.className == "Part") and (child.Anchored == false) then
			local relPos = hole.Position - child.Position
			if relPos.magnitude * 240 * massConstant < mass then
				child.RotVelocity = cross(child.CFrame.lookVector, relPos) * 20 / relPos.magnitude
				local canContinue = true
				if relPos.magnitude * 320 * massConstant < mass then
					local length = mass / (320 * relPos.magnitude * massConstant)
					if childSize[n].z * length >  relPos.magnitude * 2 then
						--mass = mass + child:GetMass()
						--table.remove(childList, n)
						--table.remove(childSize, n)
						--canContinue = false
						--n = n - 1
						child.CanCollide = false
				if canContinue then
					local motivator = child:FindFirstChild("BlackHole Influence")
					if motivator == nil then
						motivator ="BodyPosition")
						motivator.Parent = child
					motivator.maxForce =, 1, 1) * mass * child:GetMass() / (relPos.magnitude * massConstant)
				local motivator = child:FindFirstChild("BlackHole Influence")
				if motivator ~= nil then
						motivator.Name = "BlackHole Influence"
					motivator.position = hole.Position

The five commented lines in the middle are what make this a black hole, so they are removed in a planet script. But the gravity is still too strong, and the gravity field is too big. Both need to be fized before it can be implemented as a Gravity Bricks script.

--Wacko McGoose, creator of "Super Roblox Galaxy - Spac Bricks Galaxy"

flash movie inserts

it would be cool if peeps who had flash could insert their videos for others to watch

its perfect for theatre games out there

flow...a idea for cooler water or lava

roblox should make [flow] as a brick type. flow would make real water for characters to float in and if a game wants a puddle the flow will flow without shape onto the ground.just add a decal and a kill script to make flowing lava.

Ok, now this should be deleted. Its not good ideas anymore. Its just random people beging for people to make stuff for them. Maybe some one should clean it out or something. -.- It is now some idiotic some page, even though there are some good ideas. --~Roni123 17:57, 15 August 2008 (CDT)

No one has anything to say? :l --~Roni123 18:46, 15 August 2008 (CDT)

I'll clean it up once a month. So should most of the user created pages. ⇒OutOfSpace