User:ArceusInator/Legatum: Difference between revisions

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Line 1: Line 1:
  <font color=#0000FF>and, by, count, decrease, divide, else, elseif, end, equals, exponentiate, false, for, function, if, global, in, include, increase, isequalto, isgreaterthan, isgreaterthanorequalto, islessthan, islessthanorequalto, isnotequalto, lshift, minus, multiply, modulate, modulo, nil, not, or, over, plus, plusorminus, ratio, ratio_of, repeat, return, rshift, shiftright, shiftleft, times, tothepowerof, true, until, while</font>
  <font color=#0000FF>and, by, count, decrease, divide, else, elseif, end, equals, exponentiate, factorial, false, for, function, if, global, in, include, increase, isequalto, isgreaterthan, isgreaterthanorequalto, islessthan, islessthanorequalto, isnotequalto, lshift, minus, multiply, modulate, modulo, nil, not, or, over, plus, plusorminus, ratio, ratio_of, repeat, return, rshift, shiftright, shiftleft, times, tothepowerof, true, until, while</font>

Line 47: Line 47:
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#BBBB00>×</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#BBBB00>×</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 20</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#5555FF>4</font>
  <font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 20</font>
  <font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 20</font>

Line 69: Line 73:
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#BBBB00>%</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
  x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#BBBB00>%</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 1</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font>x<font color=#0000FF> modulo </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 1</font>
===^, tothepowerof===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#BBBB00>^</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 625</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font>x<font color=#0000FF> tothepowerof </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 625</font>
===+=, +:, increase by===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>+=</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 9</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>+:</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
  <font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 9</font>
  <font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 9</font>

  x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
  x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
  x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font>x<font color=#0000FF> modulo </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
  <font color=#0000ff>increase </font>x<font color=#0000FF> by </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
  <font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 9</font>
  <font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 9</font>
===*=, *:, ×=, ×:, multiply by===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>*=</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 20</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>×:</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 20</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
<font color=#0000ff>multiply </font>x<font color=#0000FF> by </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 20</font>
===%=, %:, modulate by===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>%=</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 1.25</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>%:</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 1.25</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
<font color=#0000ff>modulate </font>x<font color=#0000FF> by </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 1.25</font>
===++, increase===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>++</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 6</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
<font color=#0000ff>increase </font>x
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 6</font>
===--, decrease===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>--</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 4</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
<font color=#0000ff>decrease </font>x
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 4</font>
===^=, ^:, explonentiate by===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>^:</font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 625</font>
x<font color=#0000ff> equals </font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
<font color=#0000ff>exponentiate </font>x<font color=#0000FF> by </font><font color=#5555FF>4</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 625</font>
===!, factorial===
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font>x<font color=#BBBB00>!</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 120</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font><font color=#5555FF>5</font>
x<font color=#BBBB00>:</font> x<font color=#0000ff> factorial</font>
<font color=#5500BB>print</font> x <font color=#555555> //> 120</font>
=== ==, ::, isequalto ===
x<font color=#bbbb00>:</font><font color=#0000ff>false</font>
<font color=#5500bb>print</font> x <font color=#bbbb00>==</font> <font color=#0000ff>true</font><font color=#555555> //> false</font>
x<font color=#bbbb00>:</font><font color=#0000ff>false</font>
<font color=#5500bb>print</font> x <font color=#0000ff>isequalto true</font><font color=#555555> //> false</font>


Latest revision as of 20:38, 16 May 2011


and, by, count, decrease, divide, else, elseif, end, equals, exponentiate, factorial, false, for, function, if, global, in, include, increase, isequalto, isgreaterthan, isgreaterthanorequalto, islessthan, islessthanorequalto, isnotequalto, lshift, minus, multiply, modulate, modulo, nil, not, or, over, plus, plusorminus, ratio, ratio_of, repeat, return, rshift, shiftright, shiftleft, times, tothepowerof, true, until, while


long note


:, =, +, -, *, ×, /, ÷, %, +=, +:, -=, -:, *=, *:, ×=, ×:, /=, /:, ÷=, ÷:, %=, %:, ++, --, ==, ::, ~=, !=, ~:, !:, ¬=, ¬:, >, <, >=, >:, <=, <:, !, ¬, &&, &, ||, |, &&=, &&:, &=, &:, ||=, ||:, |=, |:, ^, ±, +-, ^=, ^:, ?, <<, >>, <<=, >>=, @, @=, #, [, ], {, }, ;, ,, .

:, =, equals

print x  //> 5
print x  //> 7
x equals 9
print x  //> 9

+, plus

x: x+4
print x  //> 9
x equals 5
x equals x plus 4
print x  //> 9

-, minus

x: x-4
print x  //> 1
x equals 5
x equals x minus 4
print x  //> 1

*, ×, times

x: x*4
print x  //> 20
x: x×4
print x  //> 20
x: x4
print x  //> 20
x equals 5
x equals x times 4
print x  //> 20

/, ÷, over

x: x/4
print x  //> 1.25
x: x÷4
print x  //> 1.25
x equals 5
x equals x over 4
print x  //> 1.25

%, modulo

x: x%4
print x  //> 1
x equals 5
x equals x modulo 4
print x  //> 1

^, tothepowerof

x: x^4
print x  //> 625
x equals 5
x equals x tothepowerof 4
print x  //> 625

+=, +:, increase by

print x  //> 9
print x  //> 9
x equals 5
increase x by 4
print x  //> 9

*=, *:, ×=, ×:, multiply by

print x  //> 20
print x  //> 20
x equals 5
multiply x by 4
print x  //> 20

%=, %:, modulate by

print x  //> 1.25
print x  //> 1.25
x equals 5
modulate x by 4
print x  //> 1.25

++, increase

print x  //> 6
x equals 5
increase x
print x  //> 6

--, decrease

print x  //> 4
x equals 5
decrease x
print x  //> 4

^=, ^:, explonentiate by

print x  //> 625
x equals 5
exponentiate x by 4
print x  //> 625

!, factorial

print x  //> 120
x: x factorial
print x  //> 120

==, ::, isequalto

print x == true //> false
print x isequalto true //> false


"String" 'String' [==[String]==]


assert( Value v=false, Value message="assertion failed!" )
collectgarbage( String opt="", Value arg=0 )
dofile( String filename="" )
error( String message="Error!", Integer level=1 )
getfenv( Function f=(function()end) )
getmetatable( Table obj={} )
ipairs( Table t={} )
loadfile( String filename="" )
loadstring( String s="" )
newproxy( Value boolOrProxy=false )
next( Table t={}, Integer index=0 )
pairs( Table t={} )
pcall( Function f=function()end, ... )
print( ... )
rawequal( Value v1=nil, Value v2=nil )
rawget( Table t={}, Integer index=0 )
rawset( Table t={}, Integer index=0, Value v=nil )
select( Integer index="#", ... )
setfenv( Function f=function()end, Table t={} )
setmetatable( Table t={}, Table m={} )
tonumber( Value v=false )
tostring( Value v=false )
type( Value v=nil )
unpack( Table t={}, Integer i=0, Integer j=#t )
xpcall( Function f=function()end, function e=function()end )
coroutine = coroutine library
coroutine.create( Function f=function()end )
coroutine.resume( Coroutine c=nil, ... )
coroutine.status( Coroutine c=nil )
coroutine.wrap( Function f=function()end )
coroutine.yield( ... )