UserHasBadge (Method)

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UserHasBadge( Integer userId, Integer assetId )
Returns boolean has asset
Description: Returns true if given user has the given asset.
Member of: BadgeService
BadgeId = #

if game:GetService("BadgeService"):UserHasBadge(p.userId, BadgeId) then
print("The user has this badge")
print("The user does not have this badge")

-- This can be used for any item. So the BadgeId could be a model id instead.
-- You could use a "Play my place" T-shirt and check to make sure they have that shirt, if they don't then it can remove them.


  • Items can not be checked from Build or Edit mode. This can only be used on a ROBLOX Game server.


  • You can use UserHasBadge for checking any asset on ROBLOX. Meaning hats, shirts, pants, and etc., can be checked with it.

See Also